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    iPhones with 5G are not expected to arrive in 2020

      iPhones with 5G are not expected to arrive in 2020

      Several smartphone manufacturers are implementing 5G support on certain models. Samsung, Huawei and Xiaomi, for example, are some brands that have already made official devices compatible with this technology.

      Reports point out that Apple will also enter the "world" of 5G this year with its new iPhones, but after an interview with Tim Cook, the company's CEO, with Business Insider, we believe that will not be the case.

      The executive said that 5G is not yet such an important feature for iPhones, given that the technology has only just started to roll out. In part of the interview, Tim said, "With regards to 5G, we are at the beginning of its rollout on a global basis."

      The CEO was also asked about the prices of iPhones that support this technology, given that they will certainly be more expensive due to the new components. Tim stressed that Apple does not comment on future products, saying only that "in terms of values, I would not like to comment on the price of devices that have not yet been announced".

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      If we stop to think about it, Apple's strategy of putting 5G aside makes perfect sense, given that this technology is not yet widely available around the world, something that should only change in a few years.

      So, if we take into account the CEO's words, it looks like we won't see 5G iPhones in 2020. On the other hand, Samsung should bet heavily on the new mobile internet standard, given that the entire Galaxy S20 lineup, scheduled to launch on 11 February, will support 5G.

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