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    Research shows that Apple's market will have slower growth in the coming years

      Recent surveys show that sales of the new iPhones are not going as planned, including, Apple had to slow down the production of the devices.

      Now, a new survey carried out by Loup Ventures, shows that the Apple company can start to be more attentive with the sales of its devices. The survey result shows that the company's smartphone business is evolving towards lower growth.

      Research shows that Apple's market will have slower growth in the coming years

      Research shows that Apple's market will have lower growth in the coming years.

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      For the survey, 226 users were interviewed, with 22% waiting for the launch of this year's new devices to buy a new iPhone. The data is practically the same collected in the previous year, which shows that people are taking longer to change their device.

      The survey also revealed that 20% of users are waiting to buy a 2017 model this year. With this, the percentage of people who intend to purchase a new model from Apple totals 42%.

      "Investors will soon see more and more of the iPhone hardware business as a subscription business as upgrade patterns are becoming more predictable."

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