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    Samsung confirms hackers stole Galaxy device source code

    Samsung confirms hackers stole Galaxy device source code

    The theft of the source code of Galaxy phones was confirmed by Samsung. The South Korean mobile device developer confirmed today that hackers did indeed manage to steal the company's internal data and source code from Galaxy devices.

    According to the website TheVerge, in early March there was news about a possible breach in Samsung's data, where it was said that hackers called Lapsus$ may have been responsible. The group recently raided NVIDIA and shared some screenshots showing approximately 200GB of stolen data, including the source code that Samsung uses for encryption and biometric unlocking functions on Galaxy hardware.

    In the case of the data forcibly taken from NVIDIA, hacking group Lapsus$ threatened graphics chip maker to "leak data online unless Nvidia removes cryptocurrency mining limiters from certain GPUs and makes the drivers for those graphics cards open source".

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    Samsung says no personal data was taken

    According to Samsung, no personal data, whether from employees or customers, was taken. However, the company says that there was a violation, but did not reveal who the perpetrators of the crime were. The company told Bloomberg and SamMobile:

    "There has been a security breach related to certain internal company data. According to our initial analysis, the breach involves some source code related to the operation of Galaxy devices, but does not include the personal information of our consumers or employees. Currently, we do not We anticipate no impact to our business or customers. We have implemented measures to prevent further incidents of this type and will continue to serve our customers without interruption."

    What do you think might happen to Samsung's data in the hands of hackers? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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