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    Samsung dominates the 5G smartphone market

      5G is gradually growing around the world. Here in Spain, this technology will still take a few years to be established, but abroad it is already quite popular, it is no wonder that several companies are presenting smartphones with support for the new mobile internet standard, which promises to revolutionize all sectors of the industry .

      Xiaomi, for example, has some 5G models, with the Redmi K30 5G being the latest of them. However, an analysis by IHS Markit showed that Samsung is leading this market, even if it is still in the early stages, and could gain strength in 2020 as operators increase their infrastructure.

      The third quarter data makes it very clear that the South Korean company is far ahead of its rivals, with a market share of 74%. That means 3 out of every 4 5G smartphones sold are yours. In total, Samsung sold 3,2 million units.

      Samsung dominates the 5G smartphone market

      In second place we have LG, which, although not a giant in the "world" of smartphones, when it comes to 5G, it has conquered its space, adding 10% of global share, with 0,4 million smartphones sold. Vivo, Huawei and Oppo should show higher growth this quarter and, consequently, next year.

      The competition for the 5G market is expected to increase significantly in 2020, given that Apple is expected to launch iPhones with this technology. Anyway, let's wait to know how the situation of this market will be in the coming months, and if Samsung will maintain its leadership position.

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