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    Samsung starts testing Bixby in Spanish

      Samsung starts testing Bixby in Spanish

      When Samsung introduced the Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus in 2017, the company also showed the world its virtual assistant: Bixby. It has evolved a lot since then, but it has never been very useful for us Spaniards, as they don't speak our language. Fortunately that has just changed.

      In an official statement, Samsung revealed that it has started the first tests of Bixby in Spanish. Although it is in beta, the South Korean assistant can already chat in Spanish in the same way we do with Alexa, Google Assistant and Siri, for example.

      Using voice commands, Bixby can perform various actions, such as recording reminders, alarms, viewing calendar events, sending messages and other functions, all in a simple and fast way.

      Eduardo Santos, Director of Contents and Services for the Mobile Devices area at Samsung Spain, said in an interview that Bixby is very important because it integrates perfectly into the brand’s ecosystem:

      Bixby's main differential is to simplify users' routines, allowing them to focus on what is most important in their lives. During the testing period, we hope to improve the solution, adapting it to the unique characteristics of the Spanish audience, so that we can offer the best possible service when we officially launch Bixby to our user base.

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      According to Samsung, the Spanish language will initially be available only to Galaxy S10 owners, and may arrive in other models, such as the Galaxy Note 10, in the future.
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