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    See what's new for Facebook that was announced at F8 2018

    Every year, Facebook holds a conference for developers to show what's new and the next steps the company will take. This year, F8 was in California, USA, and due to the recent issues they are facing, the main focus has been on users' privacy. More tools will be added to the social network and the company's other networks, as well as WhatsApp, Instagram, Messenger and Oculus.

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg opened the event with a presentation, saying how they are taking "a broader view of our responsibility to not only give people powerful tools, but also ensure those tools are used for good." In the same speech, he says he wants to continue building new services with the proposal to unite people in meaningful ways.

    See what's new for Facebook that was announced at F8 2018

    Zuckerberg opened the event with a presentation on Facebook's new tools. (Photo: Publicity/Facebook)


    The new tools announced are:

    Clear History

    As a resource to help the user to have autonomy over their data, the "Clear History" tool was created so that the owner of a profile can see the websites and applications that send information when they are accessed. Thus, he will be able to delete the data that is saved and still disable the storage capacity.

    After doing this, Facebook will be able to use the information it needs for statistical analysis, however, it will no longer be able to keep this data. The release of this tool will take a while as the team is still developing and improving it.

    Share to Stories

    Another place to post stories, only this tool allows you to post directly from other apps to Facebook and Instagram stories. For example, if you're listening to a song you like on Spotify, you can post it to stories by tapping the icon to share what you're listening to right on the Instagram camera. On Instagram, you can edit the image and post it to your feed or stories. It works like that for other apps too, and you don't need to connect one app to another.

    See what's new for Facebook that was announced at F8 2018

    The tool allows you to share what you are listening to on Spotify. (Image: Playback/Facebook)


    A special tab for groups will be added later this year, so that the user can easily navigate through the groups in which they already participate and to be able to interact with what is being posted by each group. The tool also helps you find new groups in your niche.


    See what's new for Facebook that was announced at F8 2018

    Tool will allow the creation of a profile for dating. (Photo: Playback/Facebook)

    As Facebook is already a network responsible for connecting people to get to know each other, this tool will only improve the encounter experience. Like Tinder, it will have a tab for people to create a dating profile that is separate from their "normal" profile. That way, the flirt tool will bring people together according to the dating preferences that each one has selected, as well as common interests and friends.

    Groups and Events can be used to find like-minded people. However, don't think that this account will compromise you in the "real world", as everything that is done on this profile will not be shown to friends. The company will start carrying out tests this year.

    Response to Crisis

    This feature was built on feedback the company received from the community. With it, when there is a crisis, people can use Facebook to report and inform friends and family that they are doing well. So everyone can get informed and share their knowledge about what is happening, it also helps in the recovery of communities that have been affected.

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    The tool will be available from the next few weeks, on desktops it will appear on the Facebook homepage, and on mobile devices the tool will be found by tapping the menu button in the App.

    On the Crisis Response page, three features will appear: the Safety Check, which lets friends and family know you're okay. The link to news, photos and videos that help when sharing public posts about a crisis and providing information about what is happening. And finally, Community Help, which assists in finding help for food, shelter and transport when any kind of crisis happens.

    Investment in Developers

    The Facebook team also decided to improve its policies and programs aimed at the developer community. Therefore, the application review process will be reopened, as changes have been made to make it more comprehensive and grounded so that the value of each API is guaranteed, making them more transparent and reliable.

    What do you think of Facebook's changes? Comment! And check out the changes made to WhatsApp here.

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