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    Zuckerberg agrees to testify on Facebook scandal, says CNN

      Facebook, as we know, is involved in a scandal involving the collection of data from its users without permission. After speaking about the case, Mark Zuckerberg reportedly decided to testify in the United States Congress about the episode.

      The American television channel CNN obtained information from sources on the social network that Zuckerberg was already planning his testimony strategy. The executive's acceptance to speak publicly is in line with the idea that more CEOs can do the same.

      Zuckerberg agrees to testify on Facebook scandal, says CNN

      Zuckerberg agrees to testify about Facebook scandal, says CNN.

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      Other top executives, in addition to Zuckerberg, were invited by the US Senate committee to discuss the matter, including Google CEO Sundar Pichai and Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey.

      Facebook is being accused of leaking data to companies (such as Cambridge Analytica and SCL Group) that actively participated in Donald Trump's campaigns for the presidency of the United States. It is worth mentioning that the accounts of such companies ended up being suspended by Facebook on the grounds of having misused the data of about 270 thousand users.

      After the scandal, a campaign on social media began to circulate with the hashtag #DeleteFacebook, which even received support from WhatsApp co-founder Brian Acton.

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