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    Zuckerberg May Implement Delete Function in Messenger

      As we well know, Facebook is not in a good phase since the data leak through Cambridge Analytica. The company is also involved in other alleged cases related to the privacy of its users, such as that the social network is logging calls and SMS from its users, among other situations.

      Now, Facebook has revealed that users will soon be able to delete messages sent through Messenger, similarly to WhatsApp.

      The point is that Mark Zuckerberg would have already tested the feature. According to TechCrunch, Facebook would have deleted "for security reasons" several chats involving Mark Zuckerberg exchanged over the network.

      Zuckerberg May Implement Delete Function in Messenger

      Zuckerberg may implement delete function in Messenger.

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      The fact was confirmed through emails sent by the social network to users, which can activate various notifications, including the notification of new messages. However, when it was time to find them, they were no longer there.

      "After Sony Pictures' emails were hacked in 2014, we made a number of changes to protect our executives and communication channels. This included restricting Mark's messages sent in a period spent on Messenger. We did this in full agreement. with our legal obligations with respect to the preservation of messages," Facebook said in a statement following the Sony Pictures episode.

      The novelty, of course, will make it easier for users who regret sending a message, or even if it was sent by mistake.

      It is worth mentioning that, until then, the function does not exist in Facebook Messenger, being possible only to delete messages from your conversations, but still being visible to the other parties. In short, only the history can be erased.

      Messenger chat allows users to have so-called secret conversations, where they remain visible for a set amount of time.

      To top it off, Facebook announced that Zuckerberg will no longer be able to use the tool until it is made available to all users.

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