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    ColorNote, a simple but powerful Android app

      Many people who know me find it strange that I always have my 3 smartphones in my pocket: a Razr HD (Motorola) um iPhone 5 (Apple) and a Lumia 820 (Nokia). With that, it became one of my favorite hobbies to test applications on the most different platforms, understanding the differences thought for each one.

      For example, let's review today's Tasks & Notes apps. At the iPhone 5 I use the default note app from iOS; No. Windows Phone 8 I use the app OneNote, which in my opinion is a great app. already in Razr HD, I chose the application Colornote protocols for Android, and that's what I'm going to talk about today:

      This app for quick notes, despite having an Android Gingerbread, has a great range of features without being confusing and complicated to use. As the app's name suggests, you can create and archive reminders in colorful notes that are always visible through widgets on your device's screen. Android. See some screens below:

      ColorNote, a simple but powerful Android app

      Beyond Fast notes you can also create lists, which are a great option to remember shopping at the supermarket, for example. The application also has an integrated calendar, allowing you to schedule tasks, in addition to scheduling reminders for that appointment you wrote down and can't forget:

      ColorNote, a simple but powerful Android appColorNote, a simple but powerful Android app

      O Colornote It also has data synchronization capabilities with the cloud through a Google ou Facebook, as well as allowing you to transfer your notes and list to a card microSD. See the account settings screen below:

      ColorNote, a simple but powerful Android app

      O Colornote is an excellent app for those looking for simple and fast features, and don't have the time (or desire) to learn how to use a complex application like Evernote. Still, it doesn't hurt to remember that it's free.

      To know and do download for free, visit the ColorNote page on Google Play.

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