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    "Popular Photos" is Facebook's next feature; know how it will work

    Information points out that Facebook has started testing a new feature that may reach users soon: "Popular Photos". In fact, we are not talking about a novelty, given that there is a similar solution on Instagram, which for those who don't know, was bought by Mark Zuckerberg's social network for US$ 1 billion.

    According to Facebook itself, initially only a small portion of users were selected for the test, but the numbers are expected to expand in the future.

    Understand how this "new" from Facebook will work

    The "Popular Photos" will work as follows: when you tap a photo in the feed or even on the profile, the social network will make it full screen as it currently does, but now it will be possible to swipe down to see related photos, that are selected by artificial intelligence algorithms.

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    For example, if you tap a photo of a dog, Facebook will display images of other animals, either from your friends or from public profiles. Seeking to make the resource visually attractive, photo captions are limited to only 65 characters. In addition, it will be possible for us to see the date and time the image was published, or like and comment if necessary.

    It is believed that Facebook can monetize this feature by inserting ads between photos. As mentioned earlier, "Popular Photos" is in the testing phase. This means that the social network is still analyzing the possibility of it reaching all users. Therefore, we cannot confirm that this feature will, in fact, be released to the public. However, if it does, it's sure to be a nice addition.


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