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    Samsung reveals details about the new November update of the Galaxy line

      This week Samsung published on its official blog the news that the November update will bring to the Galaxy line devices.

      As the main security measure for this update, samsung brings threat protection KRACK, which invades gaps in Wi-Fi connections and remotely injects ransomware codes into the cell phone, thus stealing the user's personal information. This is a preventive action by the company, as no widespread cases of KRACK have been reported.

      Samsung reveals details about the new November update of the Galaxy line

      The patch, as has been routine, arrived later than expected, largely due to protection against KRACK, but in addition it also brings other 61 updates that refer to critical vulnerabilities and common flaws in the operating system, in addition to 6 fixes for the Galaxy generations.

      In the news about the November update, Samsung does not give specific details about the changes made, largely due to the fact that these corrections are confidential, to prevent hackers from being aware of the changes and finding loopholes, in order to attack the devices firmware.

      The release of the update will take place gradually on the Galaxy S and Note line devices, possibly being released first for the S8, S8 + and Note 8 lines and then for the rest of the company's devices.

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