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    Smartphone with 100% screen; Does this proceed Samsung?

      Rumors and speculation are part of the technological environment, and the most recent speculation comes in relation to Samsung and the registration of a patent for a device with 100% of the front part occupied by the screen, without cutouts and without borders. This information was released by Arun Maini, the Mrwhosetheboss. According to the information collected by the youtuber, Samsung would have registered a patent for a device with these characteristics, which can make us suppose that something like this may be coming to the market for some time.

      Tip: See all Galaxy S9 rumors, information and news.

      According to the youtuber, the idea is not to end the launch of the Galaxy S9 or supposed smartphone with a folding screen that has gained attention with some rumors and that supposedly would be the Galaxy X. The registered patent dates from November 30th and for now is called by Galaxy Z.

      The Galaxy Z would be a totally different smartphone from what we know today. Unlike the iPhone X, which has 85% of the front part taken up by the screen, the Galaxy Z would have the entire front part occupied by it. But wait, what about the selfie camera? And the fingerprint reader? The buttons? Well that's what Maini explains in his video.

      The curved edges, already present in the Galaxy S6 Edge, S7 Edge, S8, S8 Plus and Note 8 lines, will also be present in the Galaxy Z, the difference is that in the next Samsung flagship they will be present throughout the smartphone, making the front view of the device summarized in screen, screen and more screen.

      For selfie lovers, the question remains, if the front will only have a screen, where does the camera go? According to the patent it will be there, but hidden under the screen. When the user turns on the front sensor, the pixels that are in front of the lens must turn off, allowing the camera to capture the light and take the photo. To correct the distortions caused by the glass, a software correction will be implemented. It is almost impossible to imagine this working perfectly, so it is to be expected that the device will still take some time to enter the market.

      Smartphone with 100% screen; Does this proceed Samsung?

      Speculation about the Galaxy X.

      As for the physical buttons, the Galaxy Z should represent the end of them on smartphones, exactly everything will be controlled by the display and pressure sensors, even the power button should no longer exist on the device. What can happen, as with the HTC and Google's Pixel 2, is the "pressing edges". The absence of physical buttons significantly improves protection against water and also solves problems caused by button wear.

      Something that has been expected for some time but has not yet appeared on the market is the fingerprint reader built into the screen, fans were looking forward to the feature on the Galaxy S8, then on the Note 8 and finally on the iPhone X, but the technology none of the flagships has yet appeared and as the launch of the Galaxy Z is not expected before 2019, there is still time for the technology to be developed and perfected, to then appear in the Samsung model.

      Smartphone with 100% screen; Does this proceed Samsung?

      On-screen fingerprint scanner technology has yet to appear on any device.

      In the video, Mrwhosetheboss also thought about some problems this design might bring. Some of them are even felt today, both with the Galaxy S8 and the iPhone X, in both the fragility of the device is very evident, the glass edges make the device not very resistant to drops. And the other problem is with regard to the edges, as they will also be touch sensitive, it is up to the manufacturer to adapt the technology so that it is able to differentiate between what is the palm of the hand and what really are commands on the smartphone.

      In iPad and Apple, this technology has already been implemented, which manages to differentiate this contact allowing the user to draw or write with the pen, without the touches performed by the rest of the hand being interpreted as commands.

      Smartphone with 100% screen; Does this proceed Samsung?

      Technology needs to be perfected so that the palm is not confused with commands.

      As for the call speaker, the possibilities would be: a small cut on the screen, in the usual place or something like Xiaomi uses in the Mi Mix line, which is a vibrating sound emitter.

      The launch should take place at least in 2019, as the patent was only registered, it is not known if there is already any development or even technologies capable of performing this process. Or even who knows, Samsung may even give up the manufacture of this model and just profit from future devices that use the technology registered by the patent.

      It's something that is vague, but who knows something of what was said above appear in one of Samy's next flagships. The business is to wait for confirmations from the company or announcements of the next models. But until then we feed our curiosity with speculation. But what do you think about this patent, 100% screens will be the future of Smartphones? Comment there for us.

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