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    Android Oreo for the Galaxy S8 could be on the way

      Samsung has not yet announced a date for the arrival of Android Oreo for the Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8 Plus, despite all the anxiety on the part of users. Now, however, it seems that the new version of Android may be about to arrive.

      According to a Samsung beta team in the UK, the company is already preparing to launch Android Oreo in January or February 2018.

      Android Oreo for the Galaxy S8 could be on the way

      Android Oreo for the Galaxy S8 could be just around the corner.

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      "Hello. The final version of [Android Oreo] should be ready in 2018 — in late January or maybe early February if we have more issues. Beta 4 will be released very, very soon :) expect news about that in Best regards, UK beta team," said the Samsung UK beta team.

      The beta team, in addition to revealing the date of arrival of Android Oreo to the Galaxy S8, also indicated the "very close" arrival of the fourth test version to program members. The exact date was not mentioned, but it is quite possible that it will be later this week or maybe next.

      And you, looking forward to the arrival of Android Oreo on your device?

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