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    Samsung reports $8,3 billion in first-quarter profit, report finds

    Samsung is a well-known company around the world and operates in different market segments. All this authority is well reflected in the numbers of each specific category, as well as in the reports that point out the profit range during the last few months. During the first quarter of 2021, the company showed a positive balance, with a much better result than the same period last year.

    According to Reuters, Samsung Electronics closed the month of March with an operating profit of US$ 58,2 billion, that is, US$ 8,3 billion compared to the same period in 2020, which corresponds to an increase of 44%. The report does not pinpoint which specific market segments the company has brought in the most profits, but it does show considerable power compared to many of its competitors.

    Samsung reports $8,3 billion in first-quarter profit, report finds

    The launch of the Galaxy S21 was one of those responsible for the company's profit. (Image: Samsung Advisory/Disclosure)

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    Although there are no official figures, an estimate suggests that Samsung sold approximately 2021 million smartphones during the months of January to March 76. It is speculated that this result comes from the debut of the Galaxy S21 and company, which was appreciated by the specialized critics and also by the public.

    Aggressive pricing during their mid-range device launches also contributed to this high profit rate. In addition, the television sector is another point where the South Korean giant has been successful, as well as in the sale of screens and processors for the semiconductor market.

    Mobile Market Share in March in Spain: Samsung maintains leadership despite the pandemic

    Leader in Spain and in the world

    At the end of each month this year, the Techlifers has analyzed the smartphone market share in Spain, which has further highlighted the power of Samsung in our country. The company is already well established in the Spanish market and has been defending the title of the largest manufacturer in activity in the country for a long time.

    Now, when the analysis involves the entire world, the results tend to show greater variance among sales leaders. In February, for example, Samsung even registered the sale of 24 million smartphone units, with a share equivalent to 23,1%. This result allowed the South Korean giant to return to the first place in the world ranking of top smartphone vendors.

    Compared to January this year, Samsung accounted for a market share equal to 15,6%, while in January 2020 it was 12%. On this occasion, the sales leader was Apple, a company that controlled 25,4% of the market share. The following month, Apple recorded 23 million iPhones sold with a 22,2% share - as Samsung did slightly better, Apple lost the lead.


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