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    Samsung President Lee Kun-hee dies at 78

    Samsung President Lee Kun-hee dies at 78

    This weekend the technology industry lost an important figure in the middle, the president of Samsung, Lee Kun-hee, passed away. After being treated for 6 years for a heart attack, Lee left on October 25, 2020. It is not yet known who the company's successor will be, but it is believed to be Lee's son, Lee Jae-yong. (also known as Jay Y. Lee), current vice president.

    Lee Kun-hee became Samsung's chairman in 1987 and is known for transforming the company from a modest company into a major enterprise in many areas of electronics such as smartphones, TVs, home appliances and parts such as displays and chips. of memories. Samsung says its big growth comes from a "New Management" meeting that took place in 1993, where Lee was outlining a new company culture for 3 days so the company becomes a global powerhouse.

    According to the Wall Street Journal, Lee Kun-hee's strengths were a hands-on approach, where his management held several emergency meetings to review problems, influence hiring decisions and launch new products on short notice. Lee has a much-remembered 1995 lawsuit where he ordered workers to burn thousands of low-quality devices. If it was felt that there was a problem, Lee would increase the pressure until the problem was corrected.

    Lee Kun-hee Did Great Deeds, But It Wasn't Always That Way

    Although Lee has made great actions that have forever influenced the history of Samsung, there have also been some scandals along the way. In the year 1995, Lee was convicted of bribing the president of South Korea and in 2008, he was charged with embezzlement and tax evasion.

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