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    Does your dual-sim smartphone receive two calls at the same time?

    Does your dual-sim smartphone receive two calls at the same time?

    Using two-chip devices in Spain has become routine and no longer causes any strangeness. But what user with more than one line has never heard the phrase “You have two lines but no one can talk to you! It's always out of range“?. And blame the service, the coverage or the chip, when in fact whoever complains may be right… Wait a minute, how is it?!

    Well, many of us have devices capable of using two lines at the same time, but few of us know exactly how it works. For starters, there are two different technologies for dual-chip handsets. one is called Dual Standby ou DSDS (Dual Sim, Dual Standby) and is the most common. The other technology is called Full Active ou FASD (Dual Sim, Full Active) and exists on fewer devices. Understand what each offers:

    Dual Standby

    This technology allows both chips to be active while the device is in standby, but only one of them is active when the device is on. In this case, if someone calls the other SIM, they will receive a message from outside the operator's area. This is the most used technology for the dual-chip phones sold in Spain.

    Full Active

    As the name says, both chips are active all the time, even when one of them is on call, the other is able to receive a second call. This technology is usually found in dual-chip “high end” configuration devices. In our searches, we were unable to locate devices Dual Sim Full Active officially on sale in Spain.

    So how do you know if your device is DSDS or DSFA?

    The first thing to do is check the device specs. Many brands already warn on the packaging that the device is Dual Standby ou Full Active, others omit the information, then it becomes more difficult. Below is a list of some devices. dual Sim that Techlifers already tested and what technology you use:

    • Alcatel One Touch M’Pop – DSDS;
    • Samsung Galaxy S4 Duos (Chinese market only) – DSFA;
    • Samsung Galaxy Gran Duos – DSDS with the option to use data on one line while receiving a call on the other;
    • Sony Xperia E Dual – DSDS;
    • Motorola Razr D3 – DSDS;
    •  Samsung Galaxy S Duos – DSDS;
    • CCE – SK504 – DSDS.

    A Test

    Another alternative is to do a direct and very simple test. For that you need two more phones besides yours dual Sim.

    1. Call one of the numbers on your Dual, answer and leave the line active (on).
    2. Grab another phone and call your Dual Sim's other number. See if you call. (will appear on the screen and you will hear the characteristic ringing tone)

    2.1 If the signal is out of area or off, it is Dual Standby (DSDS).

    2.2 If the second line calls with the first receiving call it is Full Active (DSFA).

    Take the test, then tell us which device you have and if it is DSDS ou FASD.

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