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    8 free extensions that will change the way you browse the internet

    Table of Contents
    1. I don't care about cookies
    2. Hello, goodbye
    3. Autoplay Stopper
    4. Sticky Ducky
    5. ZapFixed
    6. Content blocker
    7. NSFW Filter
    8. No, thanks

    Browsing the internet without interruptions seems like a basic premise. But we know well that it may not be true. On the contrary, making use of the internet can be a rather frustrating experience. With so many ads, videos, banners and pop-ups, it's sometimes difficult to really pay attention to what's really needed. It is natural and recurrent, but no less irritating.

    For this reason, we propose the following: we separate 8 extensions Returns that will boost your internet and that can put an end to this situation once and for all. Check out:

    I don't care about cookies

    8 free extensions that will change the way you browse the internet
    I Don't Care about Cookies helps to filter all cookies that interfere with page navigation

    The name is suggestive, but that's exactly what it is: getting rid of that exact pop-up message that, from time to time, ends up occupying the entire screen informing you that the site stores cookies. Emphatically, the ad just gives in with a click on the I agree option and then proceeds.

    I don't care about cookies makes sure it detects this message on whatever website it is and automatically presses that option for you. So, you will never see this type of popup again.

    It is necessary to make it clear that this extension works in almost all browsers, Safari being the exception. It is worth remembering that the option also exists for Android, which can be a welcome advantage.

    Of course, you will still be granting websites permission to store cookies. Therefore, before installing this extension, it is always valid to conduct a survey to find out how cookies can affect your online privacy. It is worth remembering that cookie ads are a requirement of the LGPD (General Personal Data Protection Act) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) European.

    Having said all that, you can install the extension I don't care about cookies free of charge so much para Chrome how much for Firefox, Opear e Edge.

    Hello, goodbye

    8 free extensions that will change the way you browse the internet
    Hello, Goodbye helps block popup chat tool

    Hello, goodbye may well be the name of an unforgettable song by the The Beatles, but it is also an extension capable of dispensing with that pop-up chat tool that, from time to time, can appear on websites. Its function is nothing more than blocking these live chat support popups.

    When a chat window is locked, you will see the extension bring up a pause icon that says Help. This means, in practice, that it is actively working on the site in question and that, if you wish, you can deactivate it with a click to check the chat.

    You can install the extension for free to ChromeFirefox e Edge.

    Autoplay Stopper

    8 free extensions that will change the way you browse the internet
    Autoplay Stopper extension prevents unwanted videos from autoplaying

    Really, among all the lost popup messages on the internet, autoplay videos are perhaps the most annoying trend in recent times. That's because many of the sites now start playing a video as soon as the page loads, relentlessly.

    This is where the Autoplay Stopper, blocking all HTML5 videos before they even have a chance to play. In practice, it means that, once active, the videos will be minimized, but they will still be available to watch if you wish.

    A big advantage of this extension is some clever features like whitelisting certain websites, rather than allowing an entire session of a website. So if you're browsing the YouTube, for example, only the first video will be blocked. After that, the rest will play automatically as you open them, no drama.

    This extension, in particular, is only available for Chrome, also free. 

    Sticky Ducky

    8 free extensions that will change the way you browse the internet
    Sticky Ducky clears all weird browsing page settings

    We know that many sites always show headers, footers or social media buttons regardless of where on the page you are. This can be quite a distraction and often unnecessary. In case you are one of the people who are bothered by this situation, it is quite possible that the free extension Sticky Ducky may be the solution you need.

    That's because it will remove all the extraneous and unwanted pop-ups from your page, allowing for smooth navigation, keeping the original formatting of the site.

    Of course, these elements don't completely disappear in fact. You will still be able to see all these headers by hovering over where they would normally appear. The advantage lies precisely in the fact that it is possible to add some specific websites or web pages to a whitelist, thus promoting more autonomy when browsing the internet.

    The extension Sticky Ducky is available for both Chrome how much for Firefox for free.


    8 free extensions that will change the way you browse the internet
    ZapFixed acts similarly to Sticky Ducky

    ZapFixed is another extension that has a similar function to Sticky Ducky, that is, it will also remove all excess pop-ups from the page. The extension is only available to Chrome users and works great on media and news sites.

    You can download the extension ZapFixed guidance on Chrome for free.

    Content blocker

    8 free extensions that will change the way you browse the internet
    Content Blocker allows blocking unwanted content from your favorite pages

    We know that there are certain sites that, from time to time, we come back more than once to check the news. No matter how excited you are about the content, not everything may be for you, which can easily be resolved with the extension Content blocker.

    To use it, just click on the icon present in the Chrome extensions bar. This way, the entire page will be overlaid with a red bar, allowing you to interact with the content. It is even possible to discard what does not interest you, thus customizing the page according to your preference.

    If at any time you, for some reason, want to go back to the original configuration, just one click on the same icon will undo everything. It is worth remembering that this way you will lose all settings, so be sure to use it if you really need it.

    This free extension is only available for Chrome.

    NSFW Filter

    8 free extensions that will change the way you browse the internet
    NSFW Filter ends up cleaning the page of inappropriate pop-ups

    Everyone who has browsed the internet knows that, at some point, some unwanted content will appear. And we know that the internet doesn't always warn before displaying images it categorizes as unsafe for work, so-called NSFW.

    That's why there's a free extension NSFW Filter, which uses algorithms to check all open images in the browser tab and also detects which are NSFW and which are not.

    In practice, it will simply block them, which can be an advantage. Another point in its favor is that this extension is open source and works inside your browser, with no data collected from the user.

    You can use the extension NSFW Filter both Chrome as Firefox for free.

    No, thanks

    8 free extensions that will change the way you browse the internet
    No, Thanks is a comprehensive extension that does the trick for an annual package of almost 65 reais

    Among all the options on our list, the extension No, thanks is the only one that offers a paid package. But don't worry, there's a trial period and for that reason, it's worth checking out its efficiency for free. It combines all the features mentioned above and the annual package costs around R$ 64 reais, with the current exchange rate of the euro.

    In practice, it is able to automatically block and close all types of pop-ups, whether they are newsletters, as well as chat, feedback and contact boxes in the corner.

    Other options like Install our app boxes and toolbars, Allow notifications pop-ups, Let us know your location prompts, and also all kinds of polls and opinion pop-ups.

    It is also capable of blocking website ratings, toolbars offering website translation, Scroll Up, Login/Register buttons, boxes offering subscription, offering purchases or readings, and similar suggestions

    And finally, it automatically confirms that you are over 18 when necessary, if you really are that age. For this reason, taking into account that it is an extension that can very well solve a series of problems with a few clicks, it might be an option to consider.

    It is possible to make use of No, thanks protocols for Chrome and also Firefox.

    What did you think of the 8 free extensions to improve your internet browsing? Do you intend to use them? share with us Comment.

    source: Make Use Of

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