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    How to use animated gif in Instagram Stories?

      Instagram has applied to its stories the option to add animated gifs. There are several options for things to put and illustrate your stories. It was a user request in our contact form, for this reason, we decided to make a quick and easy tutorial on how to use animated gifs in Instagram stories.

      Step 1 - Open the add story option

      How to use animated gif in Instagram Stories?

      Instagram: adding animated gifs to stories

      Step 2 - Take your photo or video. Any format works. Click on the stickers icon.

      How to use animated gif in Instagram Stories?

      Step 2 - Take your photo or video.

      Step 3 - Click on the GIF button, as shown in the image below:

      How to use animated gif in Instagram Stories?

      Step 3 - Click on the GIF button

      Step 4 - After that, you need to search for a gif at the bottom of the website.

      How to use animated gif in Instagram Stories?

      Step 4 - After that, you need to search for a gif at the bottom of the website

      Step 5 - Select the desired icon and place it where you want it in your story.

      How to use animated gif in Instagram Stories?

      Step 5 - Select the desired icon and place it where you want it in your story

      Okay, now you know how to add animated gifs to your stories. Easy, no? Share with your friends.

       HEY! Enjoy and follow our Instagram: @techlifers.

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