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    Instagram lets people delete multiple comments at once

      Recently Instagram released new features in its latest update. The aim of the new features is to make the social network a more positive space. One of the new tools is the multiple selection of messages to delete or block accounts. This way it will be easier to control when the activity on the account is very high.

      Below is an example screen of the function of deleting multiple comments at the same time or blocking multiple accounts:

      Instagram lets people delete multiple comments at once

      Multiple blocking of Instagram accounts.

      The social network's developers also decided to give people more control over who can tag them or mention them in a post. You can allow everyone to have permission for this, select only a few people who follow them, or not allow anyone to do so. These options are available at Settings > Privacy > Mentions.

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      Instagram lets people delete multiple comments at once

      Control of mentions on Instagram.

      As you can see, these resources are more geared towards those who have a lot of followers and may have problems with them. However, nothing prevents an ordinary person from using this tool to prevent certain people from tagging them.

      According to the company, the tools launched can also serve to prevent online bullying. It was reported by the social network that 1,5 million pieces of content posted on the platform between the fourth quarter of 2019 and the first quarter of 2020 were due to bullying and harassment violations.

      Some time ago, bullying prevention became a focus for the social network, causing several features to be created to try to solve the problem. An example of this is the application warning the user when the caption is "potentially offensive". Even with this AI (artificial intelligence), the detection of online bullying still relies heavily on reporting users.

      What did you think of the new features added by Instagram? Comment below and share your opinion with us!

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