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    Instagram should launch longer video format

      Recent rumors pointed out that Instagram could launch a longer video format on its platform. The novelty in question could be paid for by making the photo social network become a major competitor for streaming platforms such as Netflix, for example.

      The news of the time, according to TechCrunch, is that Instagram should reveal a new video format later this week that should be called IGTV. The feature will be attached to the explore guide and will bring users videos up to 10 minutes long.

      Instagram should launch longer video format

      The social network has already prepared a way for users to purchase products or even access celebrity stores. Novelty will be presented later today. 

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      The social network has already signed a contract with some digital influencers so that they produce exclusive materials for their platform. Thus, the idea is that Instagram can attract an audience that follows a certain celebrity in YouTube videos.          

      So far, Instagram has not commented on the rumors. Anyway, reports point out that the IGTV format will bring to the market a new means of profit for content creators with their videos through the platform.              

      The social network has already prepared a way for users to purchase products or even access celebrity stores. To top it off, Instagram is also organizing the monetization of such videos for the near future.

      As we mentioned above, Instagram has not yet commented on the matter, so it's all just a rumor. The expectation is that this Wednesday (20), at an event of the company in the city of San Francisco, California, information about the novelty will be passed on.           

      Interested in the subject, possibly soon we will bring more news. Hold!

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