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    Office 365 has a new interface available to everyone on Windows 10 and 11

    Office 365 has a new interface available to everyone on Windows 10 and 11

    This week Microsoft began making the new Office user interface widely available. The new design was announced earlier this year and began testing between July and August. The new Office 365 interface follows the visual changes from Windows 11, featuring rounded corners on the function bar in Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Also, the program package will follow the dark or light appearance that the user has set in Windows.

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    Is it possible to disable the new look and feel of Office 365

    If you don't like the new look and feel of Office 365, you can turn it off by clicking on the megaphone icon located in the upper right corner. The button is now available to all Windows 11 and Windows 10 users.

    Megaphone button in Microsoft Word. Source: Victor Valeri

    Switching to a command bar instead of the ribbon (menu)

    Microsoft intends to change the ribbon (menu) of options to a single command bar. This change is believed to occur first on the Office web and mobile platforms. In 2020 Microsoft said that this change would take a year or two to implement.

    Fluid Office finally arrives through Microsoft Teams

    In the middle of this year, Microsoft announced the arrival of Fluid Office to Teams. It is a structure made up of content blocks that are independent and have the ability to be collaborative content, being possible to share, copy and paste them anywhere. Instead of using static tables, graphs and lists linked to specific document files, creations in Fluid are collaborative creations that can be used in different programs.

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