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    The 7 Best Software to Update Drivers in Windows

    The 7 Best Software to Update Drivers in Windows

    Normally, Windows 10 will always be able to update your drivers without you having to do anything, but in case something is failing and you don't have the manufacturer's CD or USB handy, you can always try to do it yourself, with third-party tools. .

    First of all, let's understand in a simple way what exactly drivers do, and why it's important to keep them up to date on your computer. Next, we will list some free third-party software that you can update them with.

    What is a driver and why do you need to update it?

    A driver is a small file present in every component, accessory and hardware on your computer. Its function is to make a 'link' between the operating system and the installed hardware or peripheral, both internal and external. To do this, these files have information with which the operating system knows what is connected, how to get to the component to use it, and how it works, or what you can do with each of them.

    Therefore, it is a very important type of information for your computer to function properly. Windows 10 will always try to identify each component you connect, and automatically download its drivers to make it work correctly. Without these drivers the components would not work and if they fail you will have problems using them.

    But what happens when Windows is updated and some code changes cause the drivers to stop working fine? What if a flaw is discovered in a driver's code that allows an attacker to take control? In such cases, for both maintenance and security, manufacturers are constantly updating their drivers to ensure they are always very safe and working properly.

    Normally, Windows takes care of updating the drivers automatically, through Windows Update. In fact, it is always the safest and simplest alternative to updating your drivers. But if you are facing an issue that can probably be caused by outdated drivers, then a good alternative is to use third-party applications.

    The 7 Best Software to Update Drivers in Windows

    If for some reason Windows Update is not working properly, or if there are any drivers missing, here is a list of completely free applications with which you can keep your PC drivers up to date. In some cases, they may have paid versions that contain extra functions, but to update the drivers you won't have to pay.

    Since drivers are small files, many of these tools may try to install other applications in their installation process. Be very careful not to install adware, and always use custom installs to control what you install and what you don't. Unfortunately, the safer alternatives are either paid or more complicated, so if you intend to update your drivers for free, be very careful.

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    • Cloud Drivers: If you're looking for software that doesn't keep trying to install other programs without your permission, this might be your best option. It is supplemented by the product's website and, after analyzing your hardware, allows you to choose drivers to download from the web, and you can download an installer to install them all at once. 
      You can download it from its official website.
    • Slimware DriverUpdate: With a much more visual interface, in which a graph stands out and you will see the proportion of drivers without update, this software is another alternative to update or uninstall drivers, create backup copies of already installed drivers, and schedule periodic updates to be always updated. 
      You can download it from its official website.
    • Driver Booster: This software has a very simple to understand and use interface where it shows your outdated drivers, how outdated they are and offers you to update with just one click. It is exclusive to Windows, and works on all versions since XP. Be careful with your installer, if you don't choose to customize the installation, you have an extra application. 
      You can download it from its official website.
    • Snappy Driver Installer: A simple alternative that has the added ability to update drivers offline. First it asks you to download the update driver information and then you can view and choose the ones you want to install. 
      You can download it from its official website.
    • Talent Driver: Another tool that not only allows you to update drivers, but also repair the ones that have been corrupted or make backup copies of the ones you've already updated. It has two versions, a free one with the most basic options and a premium version, which you can buy for US$ 19,95 (about R$ 75). 
      You can download it from its official website.
    • DriverDoctor: This is another option similar to Drivers Cloud for those looking for security and comfort. Scan your system, but do not update the drivers. Drivers Doctor links you to a website from which you will download drivers to install them manually.
      You can download it from its official website.
    • Windows Update: As a last resort, you can use the Windows tool itself, which is good, but not better than the ones mentioned above.
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