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    “This PC cannot run Windows 11” error on Windows Update is confirmed by Microsoft

    “This PC cannot run Windows 11” error on Windows Update is confirmed by Microsoft

    If your computer is compatible with Windows 11 according to the tool created by Microsoft for this purpose and Windows Update shows the message "This PC does not currently meet all system requirements for Windows 11", please be aware that it is not by myself. This behavior is occurring on Windows 10 where the operating system incorrectly reports that the machine is not compatible with Windows 11.

    After the release of the final (stable) version of Windows 11 on October 5th, many users are reporting the appearance of messages on Windows Update saying "This PC cannot run Windows 11". The alert says:

    "This PC does not currently meet all Windows 11 system requirements. Get the details and see if there are things you can do in the PC Health Check app"

    PC Health Check says PC is capable of running Windows 11 and Windows Update says otherwise

    While the Microsoft program created to tell whether or not a computer is compatible with Windows 11 analyzes the PC and says that the machine is compatible with the new OS, Windows Update requires the message "this PC does not currently meet all requirements Windows 11 System Settings". This Windows Update alert prevents you from upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11, but there are ways to install Windows 11 from the ISO file (see how to do it through our tutorial here).

    Microsoft confirms about the issue of the false incompatibility alert with Windows 11

    Fortunately, Microsoft has already confirmed that it is aware of the cases of PCs affected by the Windows Update false diagnosis issue for Windows 10 to Windows 11 upgrade. The company is currently investigating the cause of the issue to bring a fix. According to the company, it will be possible to fix the bug via the server, not requiring the user to do anything to apply the fix.

    "We are aware of the issue and are working to fix it."

    Microsoft advises users to submit the bug report to the "Feedback Hub" to help developers determine the root of the issue that is causing the Windows 11 incompatibility to be incorrectly reported on Windows 10's Windows Update.

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