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    WhatsApp and Instagram Snapchats already have 500 million daily users

      Facebook, in releasing the company's most recent quarterly results on Wednesday (26), said its Snapchats managed to take down the original Snapchat for good.

      Instagram, which was the first platform to mimic the system of messaging and disappearing posts, already has 250 million people using Stories every day, said CEO Mark Zuckerberg.

      This is the same number seen on WhatsApp, which has the Snapchat version in its Status. In addition, the app is said to have reached the 1 billion daily users mark, so a quarter of the company's customers are active on Status.

      WhatsApp and Instagram Snapchats already have 500 million daily users

      500 million daily users is the number of WhatsApp and Instagram stories

      Facebook, in turn, did not mention the numbers of snapchats that are inserted in the social network itself and also in Messenger, which suggests that the results are not as high as on other platforms.

      For the original Snapchat, the news is not the best, as its competitors are gaining more and more space. The social network, which became known for its self-destructing photos, had 166 million daily users two months ago.

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