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    Will migrating from Windows 10 to 11 be free?

    Will migrating from Windows 10 to 11 be free?

    Windows 11 is close to becoming a reality. Rumors about Microsoft's new operating system appear on the internet today, but as of this Tuesday (15th), we had a better perception of what we can expect ahead. A leak revealed that the platform will sport a new interface, with a revamped start menu and taskbar, new icons and a new app store.

    But among so much information, there are also some questions. After all, will Windows 11 be free? Apparently, anyone who has Windows 10 running on their machine You can migrate to Windows 11 for free. According to information, even those who have the oldest versions, such as Windows 7 and 8.1, you can update.

    Windows 11 has several leaked images, check it out!

    Windows 11 will be free

    One of the sources that bet on free Windows 11 is the famous XDA Developers forum. According to what has been published, Windows 11 needs to be free, as apparently, Microsoft is just developing visual changes to the system, no very significant changes in terms of functionality when compared to Windows 10.

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    See the new taskbar, file explorer and option to configure a window to a certain size and location. (Image: Playback / The Verge)

    Anyone running Windows 7 and 8.1 can upgrade without any problems. Anyone still using Windows 8 will have to upgrade to 8.1 first., so you can upgrade to the latest version - just like Windows 10.

    Another reason that drives Windows 11 free is the motivations of Microsoft, which is increasingly proud of achieving 1,3 billion computers worldwide integrated with Windows 10. This is a historic feat, and it may be even greater with the arrival of Windows 11. The company knows that, if it chooses to charge its consumers a price to upgrade to the latest version of the system, this number will hardly be reached.

    In addition, it would have to create a new customer base from scratch, as Windows 10 is scheduled to end its support in 2025, as announced. THE Windows 11 announcement is expected on June 24th.

    Microsoft will end support for Windows 10 in 2025
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