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    Windows 11 bug displays Windows 10 taskbar

    Windows 11 bug displays Windows 10 taskbar

    After the official debut of Windows 11 on October 5th, some users have reported a strange experience where even when updating Windows 10 to the new operating system, the taskbar remains the same as before instead of adopting. the new design. This is not a surprise, since in every release of a new operating system there are always several bugs that end up appearing, even after several tests have been carried out. Some users reported via Reddit and the Windows "Comment Hub" that Windows 11 was looking like a "hybrid" operating system, exhibiting Windows 10 and Windows 11 behaviors simultaneously.

    A user shared on Reddit a screenshot of Windows 11 showing that the Windows 10 bar kept showing up even after updating to the new operating system. As if that wasn't enough, the start menu just stopped working.

    "Upgrading [the PC] to Windows 11 using Microsoft's official upgrade wizard. I still have the old taskbar and the start menu doesn't work."

    Windows 11 taskbar bug where Windows 10 taskbar is displayed. Source: Reddit
    “This PC cannot run Windows 11” error on Windows Update is confirmed by Microsoft

    Several users report about taskbar design and functioning issues in Windows 11

    Shortly after the above report, other Reddit users also said they were experiencing similar issues with the taskbar after upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11. This same bug was noticed in the Windows Insider Program when Windows 11 Build 22000.194 was tested.

    In an attempt to fix the above issue, users uninstalled the latest Windows 11 cumulative update. The procedure worked in some cases, but other users were forced to create a new user profile to resolve the bug. The inconvenience of creating a new user in Windows is the need to copy the data and reinstall some programs.

    The problem is believed to be related to a corrupted registry

    Due to the fact that creating a new user profile in Windows 11 stopped the taskbar issue, the root of the bug is believed to be related to a corrupt registry or an existing setting causing the system to malfunction.

    Microsoft is still not aware of the issue

    Although there are already several reports of users complaining about bugs in the Windows 11 taskbar, Microsoft has not yet taken a position on the matter. Stay tuned for more details on resolving this issue.

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