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    6 Best Torrent Programs to Download Files (Windows, Linux and Mac)

    Table of Contents
    1. What is torrent and how does it work?
    2. How to download via torrent?
    3. Best torrent programs to install on PC
      1. BitTorrent
      2. uTorrent
      3. Deluge
      4. Vuze
      5. Transmission
      6. qBitTorrent

    Files on the internet are shared and downloaded all the time (legally or otherwise). In that sense, the torrent sites facilitated this transfer, but many doubts surround the subject. Some are mostly about how it works, is it safe, and what are the best programs. torrent sites.

    What is torrent and how does it work?

    O torrent sites, is actually a file extension. The way of sharing is based on a P2P network (peer to peer, or person to person) between all users. In conventional download, the user usually downloads the file from a single server. already in the case of torrent sites, the transfer is done using fragments of the file, so that everyone who has the file helps others download it.

    6 Best Torrent Programs to Download Files (Windows, Linux and Mac)
    P2P is a form of sharing between users (

    Who makes the complete file available is called a seed, while who makes the download are the peers, who provide fragments. When the download finishes, the peer becomes a seed, since it starts storing the file (unless it deletes it). The server that does the intermediation is called a tracker.

    The secret is that the more seeds, the faster the download, as there are more people making it available. In addition, there is less bandwidth consumption, since the torrent sites allows downloading of independent fragments from different sources. It's like it's being assembled little by little.

    However, you have to be careful what you download. THE torrent sites, in itself, is not illegal. The problem is when you download a copyrighted file without authorization to do so, which is illegal whether with torrenting, conventional downloading, purchasing unauthorized copies, etc. You can use the torrent sites to download files that are already available on the internet with authorization, that is, they are legal, such as distributions Linux, public domain books, etc.

    How to download via torrent?

    To download a file it is necessary to have installed one of several programs torrent sites that exist (they are programs that open the files torrent sites and connect to the network). They are called clients (the list of some of them is below).

    6 Best Torrent Programs to Download Files (Windows, Linux and Mac)
    Downloading via torrent programs is much simpler

    When you find the torrent file you need, you can either download the file or open a magnet link (just click on it), if available, which already directs you to the torrent. You will notice that the file is small (usually much smaller than the final file itself).

    Best torrent programs to install on PC


    BitTorrent is the official client for torrent sites, since it was the company that developed the download protocol. Of course, it is also the oldest (it was released in 2001). Despite being simpler, it is considered a bit complicated for those who have never used any client before.

    O BitTorrent is available for Windows, Mac e Android. When downloading and installing, there is the option of the free version or three premium packages (which have advantages such as the absence of advertising and other tools, such as media conversion, depending on the package).

    6 Best Torrent Programs to Download Files (Windows, Linux and Mac)
    BitTorrent is the official torrent client (Image:


    Despite being one of the most famous clients in the world, uTorrent doesn't have a very pleasant track record. A while ago, they discovered that it could install cryptocurrency miners (and enslave your computer) and that the ad banners contained malware, taking advantage of an Adobe Flash vulnerability. However, the uTorrent stated that these problems have now been fixed.

    If you accept the risks (especially since the people in charge claimed that the flaws have been fixed), he is considered a good customer. Even he is from BitTorrent (bought in 2006). still, the uTorrent is available for Windows, Mac, Linux e Android.

    6 Best Torrent Programs to Download Files (Windows, Linux and Mac)
    uTorrent is one of the most famous torrent programs (Image:


    Deluge is considered simple but very efficient and has many fans. It is open source and plug-in based and is freely available for Linux, Windows e Mac. Initially, the program is very basic and the other functions can be acquired by installing plug-ins, such as turning off the computer after the download is complete, removing inactive torrents, etc.

    6 Best Torrent Programs to Download Files (Windows, Linux and Mac)
    Deluge is simple and efficient (Image:


    Vuze (formerly Azureus) calls itself the best way to download torrents. It is a client that has more and more users due to the features it offers even in the free version. The premium version has antivirus protection, plays a video while downloading and has no advertisement.

    6 Best Torrent Programs to Download Files (Windows, Linux and Mac)
    Vuze is one of the torrent download programs with more and more users (Image:


    One of the great advantages of Transmission is that it consumes few computer resources. In addition, the interface is simple and intuitive.

    O Transmission is available for Windows, Linux e Mac. He is native to some Linux (like Ubuntu) and widely used in MacOS, but it has had some security problems (more than once) and, despite all practicality, it is always necessary to keep an eye on these issues.

    6 Best Torrent Programs to Download Files (Windows, Linux and Mac)
    Transmission is one of the most used torrent programs on Mac (Image:


    qBitTorrent is a simple client that consumes minimal memory and CPU. The interface is basic, but the software offers advanced features like sequential downloading, scheduling, built-in search (one of its big plus points) and others.

    O qBitTorrent is open source and available for Windows, Mac e Linux. Also, it can be configured for Spanish (and 69 other languages) and it is possible to contribute to the translation.

    6 Best Torrent Programs to Download Files (Windows, Linux and Mac)
    qBitTorrent has a simpler interface (Image:

    Do you know any other torrent programs? Leave the program name in the comments!

    Fontes: TechRadar; Digital Trends; Lifewire.

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