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    Average internet speed increased by 30% in 2017

    According to a study carried out by Ookla, an internet speed assessment tool, the average speed of connections in the world increased by 30% during 2017. The average speed measured by Ookla on fixed connections was 40,11 Mbps for download, while for mobile connections it was 20,28 Mbps.

    The biggest increase was in fixed connection speeds, which increased by 31,6% over the year. With regard to mobile connections, the best was 30,1%. The good performance is a result of developing countries such as Guatemala (whose connections improved 116,7% in 2017, reaching an average of 12,04 Mbps), Ghana (82,1%, reaching 18,96 Mbps) and Peru (80,1%, reaching 16,48 Mbps).

    Average internet speed increased by 30% in 2017

    Average internet speed increased by 30% in 2017.

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    In terms of mobile connections, developing countries also showed greater growth. Laos, for example, has improved the average speed of its mobile connections by 249,5%. Others with good rates were Vietnam (188,7% to 19,54%), Trinidad and Tobago (133,1% to 11,68 Mbps) and Hong Kong (102,6% to 35,64 Mbps).

    Spain (España)

    According to the Ookla ranking, Spain appears in 71st place among the countries with the fastest speed. The Spanish average was 16,25 Mbps, which left the country below the world average.

    In relation to fixed internet, Spain was in 79th position, with an average speed of 17,8 Mbps, that is, less than half of the global average.

    Check out the list of countries with the fastest internet in the world, according to Ookla:


    1 - Singapore (153,85 Mbps)

    2 - Iceland (147,51 Mbps)

    3 - Hong Kong (133,94 Mbps)

    4 - South Korea (127,45 Mbps)

    5 - Romania (104,46 Mbps)

    6 - Hungary (92,47 Mbps)

    7 - Macau (87,14 Mbps)

    8 - Sweden (84,11 Mbps)

    9 - Netherlands (81,46 Mbps)

    10 - Switzerland (80,62 Mbps)



    1 - Norway (62,66Mbps)

    2 - Netherlands (53,01 Mbps)

    3 - Iceland (52,78 Mbps)

    4 - Singapore (51,50 Mbps)

    5 - Malta (50,46 Mbps)

    6 - Australia (49,43Mbps)

    7 - Hungary (49,02 Mbps)

    8 - South Korea (47,64 Mbps)

    9 - United Arab Emirates (46,83 Mbps)

    10 - Denmark (43,31 Mbps)

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