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    Discover the top internet slang

    Discover the top internet slang

    The language of the internet evolves daily. This means that the internet can be a confusing place, even for those who are using it every day. In fact, internet slang has transformed language, so learning the most common phrases and words is crucial.

    English slang used on the internet

    As the internet started in the United States, and new trends usually start in Yankee lands, many of the terms used by Spaniards on the world wide web are in English. 


    After all, what is this crush? This slang is used to mention that person you are interested in or in love with. It doesn't have to be someone you actually relate to. Many people even have a crush on celebrities they don't know personally, and probably won't even meet. 

    The passionate expression appeared on Twitter, and in a short time it became popular on the internet. It comes from the expression "have a crush on someone", which means "I have a crush on someone". 


    If you've ever spoken in English to someone and they called you bae, know that this is good. It means that you are esteemed by whoever said that. The slang is an abbreviation for "before anyone else", which loosely translates to "before anyone else".

    throwing shade

    Another slang term that can often be seen on social media, it was popular with drag queens across the United States, and it means a poisonous person. More exactly speaking ill of others, mocking, gossiping about someone.


    This slang reminds you of a well-known English word, doesn't it? Well then, it comes from the word Yes, the "Yes" in English. But it can have a funny ("yas"), or euphoric ("yaaaaas") sense. 

    Around the year 2013, during the promotion of the cd Artpop, the fans of the singer Lady Gaga began to refer to her constantly with a "yas, Gaga!" in the sense of "Draw Lady Gaga".


    Another slang that was created by an artist, squad can be translated as a group of friends. The slang emerged in 2015, when the American singer Taylor Swift released the video "Bad Blood", with her group of friends.


    This slang is quite famous at the moment. But few know its origin. In fact, the word is derived from series, and came from the expression "to ship", and is usually said when fans of a series hope a couple stay together.

    But, far beyond the series, the expression today can be used for any couple you hope to be together, even in real life. Another curiosity is that the target couple of this slang have their names merged. 


    Stalker in English means "persecutor", and that alone says it all. Slang means you're "spying" on someone's social media activities, like looking at all the posted photos or checking the likes the person has given other photos. 


    This one is popular on social media, especially by the Instagram crowd. But it appeared on Twitter, back in 2012. You must have seen photos with the hashtag #tbt, and it probably happened on a Thursday. But after all, what does she mean? Well, it comes from English too, and it means Throwback Thursday (#TBT), in translation it would be "Thursday of Retrocesso".

    In addition to being used on Thursdays, the hashtag is accompanied by an old photo, which brings back good memories. In addition to being a good way to show your friends a little bit of your past, the hashtag serves to show you miss someone special, and remember the good times you had with that person(s).


    This is a complement to the hashtag TBT: When you forget to post some old photo on Thursday, you can post it on Friday with the hashtag FBF, which stands for Flashback Friday (#FBF), i.e. "Flashback Friday ".

    It's good because it gives you, who forgot to post the image on Thursday, a second chance to post a good memory for your friends to see.


    This slang is used by the male audience who are heartbroken. The acronym MNTC stands for Woman Without a Heart (#MNTC).


    If you have a best friend, he or she may send you this acronym. And it means something very beautiful: Best Friend Forever.

    slang in spanish


    You know when you get annoyed with someone or something? Well then, this is the famous rancid. The predominant feeling is contempt and anger. When someone says they "got rancid" from someone, it means that, regardless of what that person does good, the rancid will not be able to like or sympathize with the person. 


    The famous slang to describe fake people is successful on social media. But the thing is, it's not just anyone, it's a fake friend. After all, a false friend is worse than an enemy. Fake women usually pretend to be real friends, but talk bad about you behind your back. 


    10/10 is slang that spells a person is very beautiful. That is, the score for the person's beauty is 10 out of 10, the highest possible score.


    This slang that is very popular among the LGBTQ+ community means that the person did very well at something. It is a compliment, describing when the person has exceeded expectations regarding some argument.

    The wall

    Derived from the word Diva, which means someone very beautiful and powerful, she has already become a verb. When someone says they diva, they mean they acted sensationally, like a celebrity. 

    But PT

    This is the slang that describes that friend of yours who drank too much and got sick on the roll. Dar PT means "give total loss", a term used for cars that, in an accident, are rendered useless.


    It means failing at a certain thing, that is, failing to do what was intended successfully.


    The slang is derived from the word "myth", and describes someone who has done something very good and amazing.


    This slang describes the act of deceiving or making fun of a person. Originating from the word troll, which describes someone who deceives in order to humiliate. When someone has been trolled, it means that the person has fallen for a prank. 


    Slang used to describe a person who likes to show off but is not knowledgeable enough to do so. The poser pretends to have a personality he doesn't have just to get attention. It is very popular among fans of rock bands. For example, a poser pretends to be a fan of a certain band, but doesn't know the name of the singer of that band, or confuses the songs, 

    Now that you know the main slang of social networks, it will be much easier to understand conversations, posts, and be able to better interact with people.


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