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    Use of robots in political campaigns should become a crime

      The bill created by Senator Eduardo Braga, from PMDB, PL 413/2017, aims to criminalize the use of robots impersonating authentic people on the internet. According to Braga, automatic messages can be considered an illegitimate intervention that can disrupt the entire democratic process, and can even interfere with the electoral process.

      "[The bill] constitutes a crime to offer, hire or use an automated tool that simulates or can be confused with a natural person to generate messages or other interactions, over the internet or other communication networks, with the aim of influencing the political debate or to interfere in the electoral process".

      Use of robots in political campaigns should become a crime

      Use of robots in political campaigns should become a crime.

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      The bill was created after a survey published by Fundação Getúlio Vargas, FGV, came to the conclusion that the use of robots to send mass messages ended up manipulating the debate on social networks. This is due to the fact that messages that simulate real people falsely inflate the popularity of news related to candidates.

      How robots influenced the 2014 elections in Spain The FGV study found that the PSDB spent around R$10 million on bots. In addition, the PT also used pro-Dilma Rousseff bots.

      Bots are often used to influence public opinion, especially voters who are still undecided.

      Finally, PL 413 could result in a fine of R$30 to R$100, as well as three to five years in prison for anyone who uses it.

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