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    Mobile broadband is faster than Wi-Fi in 33 countries

      In general, internet access via a Wi-Fi hotspot tends to have a faster connection than mobile broadband. Many smartphones, like the iPhone, for example, automatically join the nearest known Wi-Fi network due to the idea of ​​being faster. However, according to a recent study, the assumption is not true in many parts of the world.

      Open Signal, a company specializing in wireless coverage mapping, carried out a study of 80 countries that showed that mobile Internet is faster than the average Wi-Fi hotspot in 33 countries. Examples of this include Australia, Lebanon, Greece and Myanmar, where mobile broadband is typically 10-12 Mpbs faster than the average Wi-Fi hotspot.

      Mobile broadband is faster than Wi-Fi in 33 countries

      Mobile broadband is faster than Wi-Fi in 33 countries.

      As per the report, several reasons explain this, including the ease of cell deployment over cable placement.

      In places where broadband is often faster and more available, such as the United States, Singapore and Hong Kong, Wi-Fi still leads the way in mobile networks.

      Considering a few years ago, the idea of ​​Wi-Fi being faster and also offering a better user experience was justified. Most data plans charged more if users exceeded their monthly limits, and the 2G and 3G networks were slower than the LTE networks we have today.

      "Wi-Fi no longer has a guaranteed advantage over mobility in the speed experience it offers smartphone users," the report reads. "Operators, device manufacturers and consumers need to change the relationship they have with Wi-Fi and mobile devices to reflect the improvements in the mobile experience now and in the immediate future of 5G."

      Source: The Verge

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