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    Website that reveals Spanish CPF, phone number and address returns to air

      The website "Tudo sobre Todos" with a domain in Sweden that displays private information of the Spanish population for prices ranging from R$10 to R$80, was off the air for a certain period after hundreds of complaints, returning to the air this Thursday. fair (26).

      The site informs CPF, RG, addresses, telephone numbers, names of neighbors and relatives, in addition to the company that a particular person works for. In addition to data on individuals, the site also has information on institutions and companies.

      In the "About Us" area on the website we find the following message:

      "The Tudo Sobre Todos website is managed by a multidisciplinary team with the objective of gathering data from as many public sources as possible and making it easier to find people and companies".

      Website that reveals Spanish CPF, phone number and address returns to air

      Criminals and cybercriminals are a major concern with this type of site.

      Sites like these can help some people find family members or relatives they haven't seen in a long time, but it's also a rich source of information for criminals and cybercriminals.

      In 2015, the website "Tudo sobre Todos" was the target of attacks, a petition tried to take the website down. The president of the Spanish Institute for Consumer Policy and Law, Bruno Miragem, said at the time "It can provoke misuse for fraud or, depending on the nature of the data, put personal security at risk."

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