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    China's president aims to make the internet fairer

      As we know, China's internet usage is quite controlled. The news is that those responsible for the situation are gathered at China's main internet conference in Wuzhen.

      At the event, President Xi Jinping called for greater cooperation from the world to make the internet fairer. The request was made through a speech given on his behalf, Reuters said.

      "There is an urgent need to accelerate the Internet economy and work towards fairer and more equitable governance," Xi said.

      China's president aims to make the internet fairer

      President of China aims to make the internet fairer.

      China has, over the years, insisted on maintaining its "sovereign cyber", but technology and the internet are also seen as key components of its trade war with the United States.                              

      Chinese companies such as Alibaba and Baidu are worried about trade tensions with the United States and have even lowered their sales forecasts precisely because of the prevailing economic uncertainty.

      Precisely for all the factors involved, it may even be that Xi wants China to have greater influence in the digital world. But talking about a fairer internet does not mean that the country has greater freedom on the internet, and that the country's citizens will be able to conquer free navigation. The statement suggested that China would get a "fair share" of the internet pie, all because of the huge local population and expanding economy.

      Regarding the freedom to use the internet, the country should not change its mind, at least for now.                                              

      Source: Reuters

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