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    Commission approves extension of deadline for mobile internet data usage

      The Senate Bill (PLS) 110/2017, which was approved on Wednesday (9) by the Commission on Transparency, Governance, Inspection and Control and Consumer Protection (CTFC), provides that mobile broadband internet users can accumulate and use, in up to two months, the data balance of your connection. Now, the proposal goes to the Chamber, if there is no appeal for analysis in plenary.

      The project's objective is to end the distortion that exists in the mobile internet access plans that are sold by operators, based on a data franchise system with expiration dates that ends up harming the consumer, according to Senator Dário Berger ( PMDB-SC), author of the proposal.

      Commission approves extension of deadline for mobile internet data usage

      Commission approves extension of deadline for mobile internet data usage

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      The senator says that the franchise system limits the user's access to the internet, which ends up having to opt for additional data packages. To complete, the imposition of validity promotes and enriches the operator whenever the data package purchased by the consumer is not completely consumed during the period.

      The Project says that operators fail to freely establish franchise limits and conditions applicable after their use. The measure aims to benefit the 242 million active mobile phone users in the country, according to data from the National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel).

      "The text corrects a distortion in favor of consumers, returning to them what was not used, but which has already been paid for", said the rapporteur, Senator Ataides Oliveira (PSDB-TO).

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