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    Dislike button arrives for more Facebook users

      Facebook continues to update its services even after the scandals involving its name regarding the breach of user data on the social network. For a few months now, the social network has been testing a new way for users to express their opinion by clicking on things. This is the "downvote" button, a kind of "dislike", which will appear next to the comments made on the posts.

      Users who use services like Reddit or even Disqus, a comment platform, are already quite familiar with the tool, since, instead of relying only on the positive button, the publication still offers a negative button along with each comment. On Reddit, in addition to showing dissatisfaction with the comment made by a user, it also has the function of making the comments more or less relevant. 

      Dislike button arrives for more Facebook users


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      On Facebook, it is quite likely that the button has the same function. It is worth mentioning that traditional reactions will continue to work normally. To complete, only the comments will have the option of "dislike", being that the posts will continue in the same way seen currently.

      The idea of ​​Facebook is for users to collaborate for a social network with better quality comments. The company wants users to use the feature to flag down what Facebook considers "bad" comments, or even what it defines as "bad intentions or disrespect."

      In recent days, several users have posted on Twitter accounts and screenshots of people who have had access to the functionality. The novelty is becoming more available in Australia and New Zealand.

      What we still don't know is whether the feature will even be deployed to all users of the social network. All that's left to do is wait and see what's next for Facebook.

      And you, what do you think about the news? Is it really useful?

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