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    Facebook unveils service to fight fake news in Spain

      A few days ago, Facebook published several tips to help users in Spain identify the famous Fake News.

      Even so, in the country, the fight against fake news through Mark Zuckerberg's social network is still at an early stage. The platform, in turn, announced a service that aims to reduce the dissemination of this type of material by up to 80%.

      The platform, in partnership with "Aos Fatos" and "Agência Lupa", two national fact-checking agencies, will launch a program aimed at verifying news next week.

      Companies will be responsible for evaluating Fake News and its supposed veracity. Therefore, in the case of fake news, in addition to page administrators being warned and banned, their distribution in News Feed will be reduced.

      Facebook unveils service to fight fake news in Spain

      Facebook unveils service to combat fake news in Spain.

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      In cases where there is a recurrence of false posts, pages will lose the ability to boost any type of post or even promote ads.                                                         

      It is worth mentioning that we are in an election year, so the dissemination of news becomes even greater.                                   

      Anyway, we still don't know the main reason why Facebook focused on Spain, which could be precisely because rumors show that Fake News would have directly influenced the US elections in 2016, when Donald Trump was elected.

      It is still too early to know if the program proposed by Mark Zuckerberg will work in Spain. The good news is that the social network seems to be really committed to containing the spread of this type of content.

      And you, what do you think about the matter: Do you believe that the spread of fake news in Spain will decrease?

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