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    End of net neutrality in the United States

      On Thursday (14), net neutrality, in which an operator cannot block a user's internet based on the content they access, ceased to be valid in the United States, Engadget said.

      The FCC (Federal Communications Commission), in an extraordinary session held Thursday afternoon, voted to end the principle of net neutrality from US law.

      End of net neutrality in the United States

      End of net neutrality in the United States.

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      The vote in question was decided by three votes in favor of the fall against two. The commissioners who opted for the end were led by Republican senators and Ajit Pai, the FCC chairman appointed this year by Donald Trump.

      Net neutrality also ensures that operators do not sell fractional internet packages, for example, that the user pays to have access to YouTube and Facebook, and will have to pay more if he wants to access other places.

      And Spain?

      The decision of the United States could be a start for the situation to change in Spain. According to a recent report by Folha de S. Paulo, Spanish operators were just waiting for the FCC's decision to pressure the government here to end net neutrality, which has been protected since 2014 by the Marco Civil da Internet and guaranteed by a decree of 2016

      If approval in the United States was made, Spanish operators would begin "a round of visits to Planalto, Congress, the Ministries of Communications and Justice and Anatel" so that the change could also be approved here.

      So, the possibility exists, and possibly soon we will come across discussions for the end of net neutrality here as well.

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