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    Facebook may change its name and brand next week, says rumor

    In the world of social networks, the Facebook has consolidated itself as one of the top brands, especially after it took control of other famous platforms such as WhatsApp and Instagram. But with the scandals surrounding privacy issues in recent years, the company has lost relevance among the public, revealing that there is considerable wear and tear on the brand. In order to get around this situation, Mark Zuckerberg's team intends to give Facebook a new face.

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    Facebook should get new name, logo and identity

    According to the most recent rumors that have been aired on the network, the idea is to adopt a new name, logo and visual identity for the social network. Apparently, this change should be announced during the company's next annual conference, which to be held on the 28th of October.

    Facebook may change its name and brand next week, says rumor

    Zuckerberg could announce the change as early as next week. (Photo: Reproduction)

    In a nutshell, with the name change, Facebook wants to make it clear that the company is willing to expand its horizons and get rid of the problems you have been facing recently in the area. The main objective is to position the social network as a separate product, working just like WhatsApp, Instagram and Oculus.

    Of course, so far, everything is just a rumor. Facebook is not used to commenting on its position on matters such as this, but there are indications that this change will actually materialize, as the company announced the creation of 10.000 jobs in the European Union, offering a place to work in the "metauniverse".

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    Google also changed its name

    It is worth remembering that the name change has become very common in the technology market. The most famous case is that of Google, which decided to create the holding A to bring together all your companies and show that it is more than a simple search engine. Facebook can make the change based on the same reasoning.

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