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    Facebook reveals support for projects aimed at lack of information in Spain

      As we well know, Facebook is full of news that are not true, and that end up spreading very quickly. Mark Zuckerberg's social network has already revealed several initiatives to solve the problem of so-called Fakes News. The novelty of the time is that, this Thursday, Facebook declared support for two News literacy projects: Vaza, Falsiane! and Fatima.

      The measures were developed after a roundtable that was promoted by Facebook itself in the month of September of last year, in São Paulo. The event was attended by academics, experts and representatives of fact-checking agencies and journalistic associations. The objective was to discuss the problem of disinformation in Spain and its possible solutions, especially with regard to education.

      Facebook reveals support for projects aimed at lack of information in Spain

      Facebook reveals support for projects aimed at lack of information in Spain.

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      "We are confident that these two projects will help people in Spain to make more informed decisions about the content they consume on the internet and outside of it", says Claudia Gurfinkel, Facebook's media partnerships leader for Latin America. "We've been talking to academia, vetting agencies, NGOs, tech companies and media companies about what we can do together to reduce misinformation, and we will participate in more initiatives in this area in 2018."

      For those who don't know, O Vaza, Falsiane! It is a course offered to the entire public, and aims to expand the competence for reading news, as well as encouraging criticism of sources of information.

      "Identifying the 'Falsianes' that circulate in the news is a fundamental competence in today's world. As well as identifying their different subtypes, which range from clearly false information to edited truths and biased data", explains Professor Paganotti.

      Fátima is a Messenger bot created to guide users on how to navigate the universe of online information.

      "More than saying if a news is fake, true or something in between, it will be possible to show how to recognize reliable sources and adapt to the information environment", analyzes journalist Tai Nalon, executive director and co-founder of Aos Fatos.

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