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    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!

    Table of Contents
    1. Character creation, its class and main job
      1. Which class to choose?
      2. I didn't like my job – now what?
    2. Where to start?
      1. How to differentiate quests and their importance
    3. Evolving and gaining more experience
      1. Duty Roulettes – A good amount of experience per day
    4. The battle system and the importance of movement
    5. Take as much time as you need
    6. Final Fantasy XIV Quick Guide Topics
    7. Conclusion
    8. Read also:

    One of the best types of games to dive right in and enjoy endless hours of fun and content are MMORPGs: multiple goals to accomplish, multiple players to interact with, a massive universe to explore, and constant updates that increase potential hours of gameplay.

    Os MMORPGs are a genre that mixes Massive Multiplayer Online, which features multiplayer games online at the same time, and Role-Playing Game. ), famous genre where you assemble a character, its characteristics and attributes, and interpret what that character would do during the game — known for games like the sagas The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Quest and even the franchise itself ending Fantasy.

    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    Gameplay de Final Fantasy XIV.
    Image: Author

    The Final Fantasy franchise, famous for traditional RPGs, had already tested the waters of entirely online gameplay with Final Fantasy XI Online, originally released for the PlayStation 2, but it wasn't until Final Fantasy XIV Online: A Realm Reborn (an expansion of Final Fantasy XIV: Online) that the MMO genre really took flight for the franchise, and with great success, as the game is still highly popular in 2021 and is about to get its fifth expansion: Endwalker.

    With 5 expansions and almost 10 years of gameplay, there's a lot to do, and for that, we're going to give you a guide to Final Fantasy XIV for those who want to start venturing into the world of the game.

    Character creation, its class and main job

    Let's start at the beginning: one of the most fun things is creating your character, and the amount of options that Final Fantasy XIV provides is pretty solid. It doesn't have as much ability to shape crazy and absurdities as in Dark Souls ou Saints Row, but it's a good amount of options that are sure to bring your ideal character to life.

    You can choose from a variety of races, provinces and your character's gender - and they won't change nothing in gameplay (actually some features do affect it, but it's such a small difference that it's not even worth considering), so feel free to choose what you want.

    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    With different races and backgrounds, your imagination can fly far in creating your character.
    Image: Author

    The class chosen for the player will be what that character will focus on when in combat and in a group: these are divided between DPS (“damage per second”, or “damage per second”, in free translation — Classes designed to deal high numbers of damage), Tanks (units focused on attracting enemies and protecting the rest of the group from enemies) and healers (healers, responsible for healing and resurrecting those who are injured in the group). You can choose a starting class, but don't worry — if you don't like or get sick of the current class, it's very easy to switch.

    Os jobs are classic Final Fantasy nomenclature for class evolution: think of them as specializations. After reaching level 30 in a certain class, some possibilities open up. jobs for your character, but be aware: some of them are only available when purchasing expansions.

    Which class to choose?

    Final Fantasy XIV has 10 classes and 20 different jobs (6 of these being added to the paid expansions: Stormblood, Shadowbringers and Endwalker). As mentioned earlier, each character starts with a class of their choice, but the other classes can be acquired as the game progresses.

    Note that the chosen class will determine which of the three major cities your character will initially inhabit: New Gridania, the city surrounded by the forest, Limsa Lominsa, the city with a slight pirate aesthetic surrounded by the sea, or Ul'dah, the rich oasis city in the middle of the desert.

    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    A diagram that gives a good idea of ​​how Final Fantasy XIV's classes and jobs work.
    Image: Reddit (ksmoorthy1987)

    Each class and job has its characteristics and gameplay very different from each other, and they diverge in a kind of tree of possibilities. Depending on the class you choose, some different job possibilities will be offered to you.

    For example, if your class is Gladiator, you can transform into Paladin, Warrior, Dark Knight and Gunbreaker; if you choose Arcanist, you can become Summoner, Black Mage, Red Mage or Blue Mage. Choose the combination that suits you best, and pack your bags to enter the world of Hydaelyn – the planet where Final Fantasy XIV takes place!

    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    A paladin will always be the shield of his teammates!
    Image: Author

    In addition to the jobs used for combat, Final Fantasy XIV also offers a system of side jobs that function as jobs more traditional ones that can be useful to raise money in the near future and create items and artifacts to aid the game's inter-dungeon journeys.

    A blacksmith, for example, can craft weapons from materials, which can be equipped or put up for sale on the market, while a cook can craft food to give himself and his companions experience bonuses, and a miner can provide materials. for a blacksmith — these are classes with an extra utility, separating themselves from battles.

    I didn't like my job – now what?

    This is where the beauty of Final Fantasy XIV comes in — normally, in other MMORPGs, you can only change or try another job if you make another character, but in Final Fantasy XIV a single character can take on any new job you choose — as long as you're in the mood to do that job's homework and class assignments!

    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    Two different classes at level above 50!
    Image: Author

    It's worth remembering: some of the jobs were added bit by bit through expansions, therefore, are only available once the respective expansion is reached. The expansions are sequels from the main story of Final Fantasy XIV, so players will have to pass a few chapters of the story to unlock certain jobs — which doesn't stop everyone from experimenting with what they have so far. The expansions are Heavensward (included with game purchase) Stormblood, Shadowbringers e Endwalker (which will be available in November 2021).

    • Jobs unlocked in Heavensward: Astrologian, Machinist, Dark Knight;
    • Jobs unlocked in Stormblood: Red Mage, Samurai;
    • Jobs unlocked in Shadowbringers: Dancer, Gunbreaker;
    • Jobs unlocked in Endwalker: Sage, Reaper.

    Where to start?

    Upon descending in your home city, you will be directed to the local adventurer guild – Carline Canopy, The Drowning Wench e The Quicksand, from Gridania, Limsa Lominsa and Ul'dah, respectively. That's where you'll get your first objectives (the famous "quests"). The first recommendation is to do some of the quests around the city, which will have requirements that will lead each player to explore a little more the surroundings and neighborhoods of the place.

    While visiting the different places, it's always good to keep an eye out for crystals of Aetheryte - large blue crystals at very main points and usually surrounded by adventurers - that act as landmarks of each location and can be used to teleport to that location whenever you want, for a certain price, so when you see one of these crystals, stand in front of it. them and hit the action/confirm button to attune to that crystal.

    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    Gridania's main Aetheryte square!
    Image: Author

    In the main cities there are also smaller, secondary Aetheryte crystals: it is highly recommended to go after tuning with all those in that city (indicated on the map of each district and different part of the cities) to facilitate transport for future visits - and believe me, they will be lots of.

    After a while, following the main quest will give you access to the other two main cities in the game, and you can transport yourself by tuning in to the Aetheryte crystals of each location. In your comings and goings, you are likely to notice that you always come back to one of the crystals more often.

    About this, it is important to note two things: you can favorite up to 5 Aetheryte crystals so that your trip to them costs less money, and when you need to return to your hometown, use the “Return” spell that appears in your skill bar. It's a teleport free back to your city's central crystal. You won't be able to use it every time as you have to wait for the spell to recharge every time you use it, but it's an important option to keep in mind.

    How to differentiate quests and their importance

    Each quest has a symbol that indicates its type (and what it unlocks), and when started, the markers represent the progress made in each of the quests. The ones that represent the main story ("Main Scenario Quest") are the type that yields the most experience and tend to be blocked by levels that gradually increase - the idea is to follow these with your main class/job, at least initially, since each expansion brings maximum levels to be reached per class or job: that is, nothing prevents you from reaching the level required by the story with two or three different jobs and switching between them.

    The quests with a “+” symbol and a blue background are secondary, but they unlock something new in the game – be it customization, new mechanics, new places to visit, new dungeons to explore, among others – and are the quests that take most priority afterward. those following the main story, for unlocking new content that can greatly aid your adventures through Hydaelyn, including a mount that greatly speeds up travel and exploration on foot.

    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    Image: Square Enix (edited by the author)

    The quests that only have a golden balloon and an exclamation point are purely secondary and optional: they serve to give the Final Fantasy XIV universe a little more flavor, as well as being an alternative to getting a little more experience and Gil (the name given to in-game currency), but nothing prevents you from going through the game without completing them.

    Finally, the quests that are in red cannot be accessed or continued until some prerequisite is met: just talk to the character responsible for that quest to find out which prerequisites have not yet been met.

    Evolving and gaining more experience

    One of the most basic aspects of an MMORPG is the evolution of your character, and when it comes to evolving or gaining experience in any type of RPG, it is common to immediately think of classic grinding: a term used to designate hours and hours of defeating groups of monsters and enemies until you get enough experience to level up, and while that's still an option in Final Fantasy XIV, it doesn't have to be limited to fighting everything that moves.

    In addition to the previously mentioned quests, a good idea to gain experience in Final Fantasy XIV is the Hunting Logs (or “Hunting Logs”), where the game gives a list of monsters in increasing ranges between 10 levels, and informs their locations on the map. . In addition to being a good excuse to explore, each completed Hunt Log gives you a much higher amount of experience than going out attacking random monsters. Each class and job has its own Hunt Log, giving each one equal opportunities to evolve.

    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    Hunt Log shown on the left!
    Image: Author

    Another way to get experience over time is acquired by reaching level 15, through the quest called “Rising to the Challenge“. Obtained from the adventurers guild of Limsa Lominsa (The Drowning Wench), the quest grants access to the Challenge Log, which has a series of challenges to be completed throughout the game, yielding a good amount of extra experience. when completed. Some of the challenges take a while to complete (like “participating in dungeons, the game's dungeons, 20 different times”), but they're a good way to get more experience and explore all that Final Fantasy XIV has to offer.

    Duty Roulettes – A good amount of experience per day

    As you explore the dungeons (the famous dungeons mentioned earlier), a tab in your options menu, called “Duty Finder“, shows all the dungeons that have already been explored by the player.

    From a certain level, after conquering some of the dungeons, a “Duty Roulette” option will be presented, with a “Duty Roulette” category.Leveling” — used primarily to level up. When choosing Duty Roulette Leveling, you will be placed in a queue to enter one of the dungeons at random, and the first time of the day Duty Roulette is completed, you will earn a generous bonus experience and cash. If you choose the class being sought by that day's spec (usually appears under “Adventurer in Need” with the required class type, e.g. “Adventurer in Need – Healer”), you will be granted an even greater bonus upon completing the challenge!

    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    “Duty Finder” menu used in Final Fantasy XIV.
    Image: Author

    It's nice to mention here that all dungeons in the game need a group of 4 players to break through. If you don't have 3 other friends online to complete the challenge, the game chooses 3 other players at random, each with their different class type (two DPS players, one Healer player and one Tank player, minimum). The Final Fantasy XIV community is generally very laid back and receptive — just remember to be polite and kind to everyone, after all, it's a job in team!

    The battle system and the importance of movement

    Final Fantasy XIV's battle system is quite simple: you select from a number of your skills at the bottom of the screen, each with its own effect and cooldown. Just read what each skill or spell does, use it at the most opportune time, and pay attention to your hit points (the so-called “HP”, “health points” or just “hit points”). Simple, certainly something that has been seen in other MMORPGs, but Final Fantasy puts a little more focus on movement of your players.

    Monsters, like players, will cast abilities and spells to attack and hinder players, and for the most part, many of these abilities are devastating, but can be dodged if seen in time. When one of them is about to be used, an area of ​​effect around the target monster will be lit in orange on the ground, and if players manage to get away from the area in time, the blow will have no effect, saving players from considerable damage.

    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    Monster getting ready for a heavy blow
    Image: Author

    It's not a very complicated battle system, but each character has its own characteristics and some nuances that make it unique on the battlefield. Acquiring the knowledge for each class and job takes practice, but luckily, scattered throughout different taverns and adventurer guilds are characters with quests that can help hone your skills with each job your character does.

    Look for characters that have a symbol of a small green plant bud, which they can teach basic to advanced techniques and concepts for each class you choose. Area attacks, the time it takes to cast spells, the importance of keeping your distance as an Archer — lots of information about game mechanics that will definitely help you stay prepared for the most challenging dungeons.

    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    Final Fantasy XIV Guide: Hall of the Novice tasks will appear like this when talking to characters.
    Image: Author

    Take as much time as you need

    Final Fantasy XIV is a game with hundreds of hours of content — what you'd expect from an MMORPG. However, in almost no time does Final Fantasy XIV ask players to log in daily or stay for hours on end each day to progress in the game: nothing prevents you from entering, doing some quests, leveling up your character and leaving, with more or least half an hour or an hour of play. In the words of producer and director Naoki Yoshida:

    It's okay not to play the game every day. Since it's just a game, you can stop if you're pushing yourself or are hard to keep up. […] Play again when an update comes with news, then stop to play another game and come back again when we have more news. This would actually make me happier, and I think it's the best solution to keep your motivation to play.

    Naoki Yoshida, Director and Producer of Final Fantasy XIV in an interview during the Gamescom event.

    It is important to reinforce how positive this is, especially in an MMORPG: many games struggle to keep players “stuck” to the game screen as much as possible, but in translating a model that respects the time of each player, we have games that stay famous for longer (obviously, given the necessary attention from the developers). Final Fantasy XIV even has a bonus given to players for spending a few hours Out of game: By sleeping in one of the rooms available in each adventurer's guild, your character will gain a greater experience bonus when facing monsters when he returns a few hours later.

    Final Fantasy XIV Quick Guide Topics

    The knowledge needed to get started in the world of Final Fantasy XIV is there: the basics, how to gain experience, how the class and job system works, a little about the battle system — everything for a new player to start well in the Hydaelyn universe .

    That said, here are a few threads pointing out final tips that will come in handy throughout the adventure:

    • Remember of eat! Each food item consumed generates an experience bonus to the player that lasts for 30 minutes, and this period can be extended to 1 hour if two of the same item are consumed in a row. You can get food from merchants in the shopping sectors of each city, or you can cook it yourself with the Cook class (Culinarian).
    • The game has a system of achievements, or “achievements“, available for consultation in your character's main menu. After doing some of these achievements, consider going to Gridania (more specifically, Old Gridania — Apkallu Falls) and talking to a character named Jonathas, where you can tell him about your achievements, and in return, you can buy some items like minions and mounts. .
    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    Final Fantasy IV Guide: Jonathan is eager to hear your achievements!
    Image: Author
    • Look for information about “Limit Breaks” — are abilities that can be loaded and used within dungeons and some special missions that can really change the flow of a battle. Its use can be a little complex, but it's worth stopping to research and discuss with other players — how to use it, who in the group uses it, among other questions.
    • Customize the game's interface the way you like! It is natural that, as it is a game with a lot of information, the screen ends up polluted with various information, but in the “HUD Layout” menu, all the information can be changed in place and size on the screen, placed with a slight transparency and even removed.
    • If you want to meet new people who speak Spanish, the Behemoth server is recommended, where you can often see Spaniards chatting in the main squares of each city — They even set up a bar for Spaniards in the game, can you believe it? It's called 7th Heaven, on the Behemoth server. Do a search!
    • Upon reaching level 15, consider heading to the city of Ul'dah and completing the quest “It Could Happen to You“, which will allow access to the Gold Saucer, a casino full of fun mini-games (Final Fantasy VII fans sure know what we're talking about) to get prizes like new clothes, emotes (emotes) and minions (minions that accompany the player and can even help in battles).
    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    Final Fantasy XIV Guide. Image: Author
    • Customize your hotbar! In addition to having the skills aligned in a practical way, you can add other important actions such as Limit Break, run button, alarm and photography shortcuts and even emotes accompanied by texts, customized in your way – see the “User Macros” tab in the pause menu to learn more!
    • Upon reaching level 17, you will have access to the quest “The House That Death Built“, located in Gridania (Near Quarrymill). Upon completing the quest, you will have access to a different game mode, called “Palace of the Dead“ (“palace of the dead”, in free translation): a mode where 4 players enter a set of dungeons procedurally generated from where everyone starts from level 1 and needs to cooperate to reach the higher levels. It is a great option to go up from level and get treasures unique!
    • At a certain point in the story (After the mission "Hero in the Making“), your character will be invited to enlist in one of the Grand Companies (essentially the armies) of one of the three main cities. Which one you choose doesn't affect anything directly (other than your main base of operations), and after signing up for one of them, you'll have access to the quest "My Little Chocobo“. Complete it to gain access to your Chocobo — mount and company famous people from other games in the saga, and say goodbye to the days of having to run alone through the immensity of Eorzea!
    • Got a group and want to take a photo to save memories? You can use the shortcut of Group Pose (“group pose”, in free translation), saved in the “Actions & Traits” menu, in the “Extras” submenu. This functionality allows you to take photos by editing them like on a social network: light, camera angle, expressions, emotes and much more!
    Final Fantasy XIV Guide – Everything you need to know!
    Final Fantasy XIV guide: check into a room before your session ends!
    Image: Author
    • Before ending your session for the day, consider returning to one of the adventurer's guilds in the big cities and staying at a room (available from a certain point in the story, starting at level 9). When you return to the game after a few hours, your character will have a bonus 50% experience.


    Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is a game with thousands of fans, one of the most tightly knit communities and is hailed as one of the top MMORPGs of the last few years. Without asking too much of the graphics capability, it's available for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and Mac OS, and it's perfectly comfortable to play with a controller, in case playing with a mouse and keyboard isn't to your liking.

    It is worth remembering that the game works on a system of monthly payment, similar to other MMORPGs like World of Warcraft. The base game with the Heavensward expansion included is available from R$52,99, and each monthly fee costs around R$35,00. If you're still in doubt, the game has a free trial period with no time limit that can take the player up to level 60 and also includes the award-winning Heavensward expansion.

    Did you like the Final Fantasy XIV Guide? Good luck and may your adventure through Hydaelyn be guided by the Light.

    Listen. Feel. Listen. And have fun!

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    Also check out the review made by Techlifers of Final Fantasy VII Remake – Intergrade:

    REVIEW: Final Fantasy VII Remake Intergrade brings good extra episode

    Fontes: Polygon, PC Gamer, Windows Central.

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