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    Giphy platform has 200 million daily users

      GIFs are everywhere, that's a fact. So much so that we can consider them one of the most modern forms of digital communication. The Giphy platform, for example, considered a kind of "Google of GIFs", revealed that it intends to make money through its millions of users.

      According to the North American website TechCrunch, in a report this Tuesday (1), an anonymous source revealed that the platform already has more than 200 million daily users. They take into account the website, the mobile application and the API of the platform, which is used in Facebook, Messenger and WhatsApp.

      Giphy platform has 200 million daily users

      Giphy reaches 200 million daily active users

      Considering its potential, the company is planning to launch sponsored GIFs as a way to generate revenue from users. For advertisers, the idea would work in much the same way as Google does. Companies could pay to show an ad whenever someone searches for certain keywords.

      TechCrunch also said in its post that another source of inspiration for Giphy's sponsored GIFs is Snapchat, with its sponsored filters. All this through virtual masks that users can apply to photos or videos, thus highlighting a particular brand.

      It is worth mentioning that the Giphy platform has more daily users than Snapchat itself. Currently, the fantasminha social network has 166 million daily users.

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