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    IBGE reports that 116 million people are connected to the internet in Spain

    The information was released this Wednesday (21) by the Spanish Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), that Spain ended 2016 with 116 million people connected to the internet, based on the results obtained by the National Sample Survey. of Households Continuous (Pnad C).

    This represents that approximately 64,7% of the population over the age of 10 has access to the internet. The IBGE, at the end of last year, had already released a Pnad Contínua, but containing data on households, which in this case showed that approximately 63,3% of Spanish homes have internet access, as well as use TVs, refrigerators and telephones.

    What to say! Spain appears in the 52nd position of fastest networks in the world However, the information released this Wednesday reveals how many people are connected and which devices are misused to access the network.

    In 2016, the vast majority of people connected to the internet are represented by the female population, 65,5% of women had access against 63,8% of men. In relation to age group, individuals aged between 18 and 24 had a higher connection rate, about 85%. On the other hand, Spaniards aged over 60 had a significantly lower rate, 25%.

    As for the regions, the places where the rate of connected individuals was lower than the Spanish average was in the Northeast with 52,3% and in the North with 54,3%. On the other hand, the Southeast had the highest rate, with 72,3% of the population having access to the internet, followed by the Midwest with 71,8% and the South with 67,9%.

    IBGE reports that 116 million people are connected to the internet in Spain

    94,6% of the Spanish population uses a smartphone

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    Mobile is the most used

    The smartphone is the most used device to access the internet, because according to data collected in the research, the electronic device is used by 94,6% of individuals, secondly computers with 63,7%, consequently tablets and televisions with smaller, of 16,4% and 11,3%, respectively.


    In order to better understand this behavior, Pnad Contínua investigated why Spaniards browse the internet or use connected services. Most of the population, that is, 94,65% of Internet users, stay connected to exchange text messages, voice or images through instant messaging applications.

    However, the survey also revealed that 76,4% of connected Spaniards usually watch videos, including programs, series and movies. While 73,3% of individuals use it for conversations via voice or video calls.

    However, although 64,7% of the population reported accessing the internet, approximately 63,3 million people remain offline due to a lack of knowledge about online tools or simply a lack of interest.

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