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    Instagram bug caused hackers to have access to celebrity data

      A security flaw in the Instagram app allowed hackers to gain access to personal account data of some celebrities, which included phone numbers, private emails and other information.

      Instagram bug caused hackers to have access to celebrity data

      The bug was detected by Instagram itself, which issued a statement about the incident and has already contacted users who were affected so that they could be aware of possible calls and emails from unknown senders.

      It is worth mentioning that the revelation of the flaw was made just two days after the account with the most followers on Instagram was breached. Selena Gomez's profile was hacked and images of Justin Bieber naked were published through it. The photos of the singer's ex-boyfriend were eventually removed and control of the account returned to the controllers.

      A post shared by Techlifers (@techlifers) on Aug 25, 2017 at 6:28 PDT

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      To achieve their goal, the hackers managed to exploit a bug in the Instagram API, which is used by the service to communicate with other applications.

      "We found that one or more individuals illegally gained access to a number of high profile Instagram users' contact information - specifically email addresses and phone numbers - by exploiting a bug in an Instagram API. No account passwords were ever released. exposed. We resolved the error quickly and are conducting a thorough investigation," the company said.

      Instagram did not mention which accounts were attacked, but said security measures had already been taken.

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