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    Instagram gives users control over what they want to see in the explore tab

    Instagram gives users control over what they want to see in the explore tab

    Recently, Instagram announced a new feature that allows users to limit content displayed in the "Explore" tab (magnifying glass icon) that they consider sensitive. Facebook makes it clear that this novelty is based on its Recommendation Guidelines, responsible for controlling what will be displayed on the "Explore" screen.

    According to the developers, the new Sensitive Content Control feature will allow people to "see more or less certain types of sensitive content that might be considered disruptive or offensive." Content will be classified between three levels: "Allow", "Limit (default)" and "Limit further".

    While Sensitive Content Control gives the user control over what they want to see, posts that violate Facebook's rules on Instagram will be removed, regardless of what is chosen to be displayed or not on the social media platform. Anyway, the novelty will be available by following the path in the app: Settings > Account > Confidential Content Control.

    Unfortunately, details about the efficiency of the new tool are still unknown. According to the images, it seems that the user will be able to see less of that type of content instead of definitively vetoing it. That is, there may still be a chance of seeing unwanted things.

    Launch and availability

    Apparently, the novelty of controlling content discovered on Instagram is not yet available to all users. However, it is likely that over the next few days, the feature will reach everyone.

    What do you think of the new tool? Did you like it? Share with your friends on social media and tag "Techlifers"!

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