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    Instagram Reels is inspired by TikTok and now allows 60-second videos

    For a long time, Instagram defended the title of "social network for photo sharing". But earlier this month, Instagram boss Adam Moseri said that your platform no longer applies for this purpose. Due to the growth of content creation in video format, especially with the arrival of TikTok, the platform needed to adapt to reality, and this time, announced a timeout expansion in the Reels format.

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    Instagram Reels now allows 60-second videos

    Instagram announced that from now on, each user will be able to upload content with up to 60 seconds longO. Adapting to the new internet trend, the idea is to offer more possibilities for creating materials in this format, especially for niches that require more time, such as recipes and tutorials.

    The announcement was made via the Instagram profile on Twitter:

    Reels. up to 60 secs. starting today.

    — Instagram (@instagram) July 27, 2021

    For those who don't remember, Reels only supported videos up to 30 secondss, and now follows in the footsteps of TikTok that extended this limitation to up to three minutes. While still a very significant difference, this increase should gain public attention.

    How do I release 60-second videos on Reels?

    Instagram Reels is inspired by TikTok and now allows 60-second videos

    Instagram Reels now allows videos of up to 60 seconds. (Image: Playback / Instagram)

    To access the feature, you need to go to the Reels area and press the second icon on the screen, just below "Audio". In "Duration", you can toggle the time between 15, 30 or 60 seconds of video. If the option still does not appear for you, then it is necessary that you wait for the full distribution of Instagram which may take a few hours or days.

    Competitors join "TikTokzação"

    The trend that we can call "TikTokzação" has inspired competitors to follow in the footsteps of the platform focused only on videos. Instagram is the last major social network with short video format to extend the maximum time, but the youtube shorts and the Spotlight, from Snapchat, also already have content up to 60 seconds long.

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    Automatic captions

    In addition to the time scaling, today's update should also add a unique sticker to insert automatic subtitles on videos. The feature was initially tested in Stories, but there was no information about its arrival in Reels format. The premise of the subtitles function is to increase accessibility on the platform, allowing the inclusion of deaf or hard of hearing users, but it can also be useful for those who use the app without sound.

    Per hour, subtitles are only available in some English-speaking countries, but should be released in other languages ​​in regions over the weeks. Due to the high number of users, Spain should be one of the first countries contemplated with the novelty, but there is still no forecast for that.

    Source: TechCrunch

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