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    Live Rooms: Instagram announces live streaming rooms with up to 4 people

    Instagram has announced several new features on its platform, precisely to fit in with the new trends of the moment. For example, in early February, the social network announced the implementation of Stories vertically, a format inspired by TikTok. Now called Live Rooms, the platform has an appropriate feature to broadcast live with your friends.

    The feature is basically the same Instagram Lives that we all know, in this case, however, it is only possible to have the host and invite a single person, which can be used to carry out interviews, for example, being broadcast live to all of your friends. followers. On the other hand, Live Rooms (or Salas ao Vivo, in literal translation) allows up to 4 people at once, being presented on the viewer's screen in a mosaic format, which guarantees greater interactivity between the participants of the video and the audience.

    Another interesting point is that followers who are following a Live Rooms live can still access other parts of the social network, such as the Shopping tab for example.

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    How to use or Live Rooms not Instagram?

    To start a Live Room just launch the app's camera and slide your finger under the lower controls to the left until you find the "Live" option. Now you can add a title to your broadcast. Then tap the Live icon to add up to 3 people to your stream. This function will also display requests from your friends to participate in your live. It is worth remembering that you do not need to add all three participants at once, they can be inserted during the broadcast, as long as you are respecting the limit of four people.

    Live Rooms: Instagram announces live streaming rooms with up to 4 people

    Live Rooms allows you to perform live broadcasts with up to 4 people at once. (Image: Disclosure / Instagram)

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    As soon as a broadcast starts, all your followers are notified, and this has helped creators get closer to their audience, reaching more and more people.

    Live Rooms is not yet available to all users, but it will gradually be released for Android and iOS.

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