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    Microsoft releases update fixing a Windows 10 update that slowed down PCs

    Microsoft releases update fixing a Windows 10 update that slowed down PCs

    In early 2020, Microsoft released the "KB4559309" update for Windows 10 that allegedly killed the performance of the operating system for many. This is an update that was made available to several users so that the old browser developed by the company, Edge, was replaced by the new one, which is based on Chromium. However, the problem is not the browser, but the Windows 10 KB4559309 update process, which caused performance issues on some devices, especially at boot time.

    Unfortunately, as the KB4559309 update is done automatically, there is no way to easily avoid the update. Also, it is not possible to uninstall the patch as there is no option for action.

    On Microsoft's feedback hub a user reported about the issue they are experiencing with the update saying:

    "Windows is taking a long time to boot after installing KB4559309 update and login is also getting very slow after that"

    Microsoft has already confirmed that there are bugs and that it is investigating the reports. Fortunately, after some time and several reports, the Windows developer says that it replaced the update with another code "KB4576754" and that so far, it seems to present no problems for users.

    In a statement on the support site, Microsoft says:

    "This update replaces previously released updates KB4541301, KB4541302, and KB4559309."

    When the fix will be available

    On August 31, Microsoft released update KB4576754 for Windows 10, which replaces KB4559309. It is likely that now you are no longer experiencing performance issues or slowdowns on your computer if you always keep Windows up to date.

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