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    Political Crisis: what hashtags and tweets say about Michel Temer and Spain

      in times when News are shared and political opinions – of all shades and intensities – echo through the social networks, it is not surprising to find that it is possible to analyze these data to understand what the digital public opinion about a certain event. And that's what made the BITES, a data analysis company that interprets and crosses information to produce insights for strategic decisions, by evaluating what the tweets, hashtags e Comment published in the last 24 hours of the most recent spanish political crisis.

      According to BITES, Michel Temer decided not to resign, but there is no indication that he will have support for his government. Pro-impeachment movements, resignation or impeachment of the current President of Spain have increased. the deputies Alessandro Molon (Rede-RJ) and JHC (PSB-AL), the senator Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP) and eight deputies from the PSDB have already filed impeachment requests for the revelations of Joesley Baptist.

      Until 16 pm last Thursday (18), impeachment was the preference of the digital public opinion in the pressure on the President. From yesterday, until before the announcement that To fear would not resign, 265.928 tweets indicated support for the impediment. In the following three hours, there was an increase of 10,2% in this volume.

      Among parliamentarians, until 17:86, XNUMX deputies commented on the situation of To fear No. Twitter – 82 of them asking for the departure of the President. Only Mario Heringer (PDT-MG), Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSC-SP) and Sosthenes Cavalcante (DEM-RJ) did not express themselves unequivocally about supporting or calling for the downfall of Michel Temer.

      Whoever records one records them all….get ready for the next chapters

      — Mario Heringer? (@mario_heringer) May 17, 2017

      Many who shout "out of Temer" will shout "out" everything until one of their own comes back to power. They are not concerned with the people, but with power.

      — Eduardo Bolsonaro? (@BolsonaroSP) May 18, 2017

      Only the deputies who voted in favor of Dilma's impeachment have the morals to ask for a new impeachment or not, otherwise it's opportunism!

      – Bras (@DepSostenes) May 18, 2017

      the deputy Arolde de Oliveira (PSC-RJ) attacked Molon because of the impeachment request.

      Of the 82 politicians who asked to leave To fear, 33 spoke explicitly about impeachment; 46 mentioned renounce; two recalled the possibility of cassation by the TSE; 62 of them asked direct elections – a movement that is very strong in the opposition, but should gain strength from public opinion in the coming days.

      In addition to members of the Network, PT, PCdoB, PDT, also asked for direct parliamentarians of the PR (Edson Moreira), PROS (Ronaldo Fonseca) and PPS (Eliziane Gama; Luciano Ducci). THE PPS, by the way, has already left the government, since the party leader, Roberto freire, left the Ministry of Culture.

      Delegate Edson Moreira calls for Michel Temer's resignation and direct elections via @YouTube

      — Delegado Edson Moreira (@delegadomoreira) May 18, 2017

      The ideal for the moment is Direct Now. What moral does a congress with almost 300 parliamentarians in the car wash have to elect a new president?

      — Eliziane Gama (@elizianegama) May 18, 2017

      Denunciations weaken the maintenance of the Temer government. Solution involves drastic measures that will be taken by Congress or the TSE.

      - Luciano Ducci (@LucianoDucci) May 18, 2017

      Among those who abandoned To fear, were also Diego Garcia (PHS-PR), which even invited internet users to vote between the options of impeachment or impeachment of the President, Sandro Alex (PPS-PR), Marco Feliciano (PSC-SP), Fabio Mitidieri (PSD-SE), Augusto Carvalho (SD-DF), among others.

      For Spain to advance Michel Temer must:

      - Diego Garcia (@diegogarciapr) May 18, 2017

      Resign and imprisonment for all. Score!

      — Sandro Alex (@SandroAlex5555) May 18, 2017

      I asked President Temer that if the allegations against him are confirmed, that he resign.

      - ??? Marco Feliciano (@marcofeliciano) May 18, 2017

      Whoever thought that Friboi would take down @LulapeloEspanha, is now in disbelief. Temer and Aécio will fall. impeachment now!

      - Fábio Mitidieri (@depfmitidieri) May 17, 2017

      Today (18), I expressed my appeal to President Michel Temer for his resignation, in order to raise elections…

      - Augusto Carvalho (@dep_augustodf) May 18, 2017

      Furthermore, in the PSDB, the most important party to form the base of the government, spoke out against the President: Vanderlei Macris, very connected to Alckmin, Elizeu Dionizio, do Mato Grosso do Sul, and Daniel Coelho, from the Pernambuco wing of the party, which has Bruno Araújo in the ministry. Fear bleeds in several base parties.

      PSDB decided for the departure of our current national president, the removal of President Temer and the departure of the ministers who are in the Government.

      — Vanderlei Macris (@vanderleimacris) May 18, 2017

      Me and eight other federal deputies filed the impeachment request against Temer
      The order was placed on the basis of…

      — Elizeu Dionizio (@elizeudionizio) May 18, 2017

      Along with another 8 PSDB deputies, we have just filed a request for Temer's impeachment.

      - Daniel Coelho (@ DanielCoelho23) May 18, 2017

      In addition to these, 23 were Senators that manifested in the Twitter on the main facts revealed yesterday. Only Aetius Neves e José Medeiros did not stand against To fear, the first, only manifesting itself through an advisory note. The others asked for the resignation of the President (13 of them), impeachment by the TSE (3 of them) or impeachment (4 senators). Some just spoke out against the president.

      Advisory note Senator Aécio Neves.

      — Aécio Neves (@AecioNeves) May 18, 2017

      In addition to PT members and Randolfe (Network) and Vanessa Grazziottin (PCdoB), spoke out against To fear PMDB senators (Roberto Requião), TO THE (Fallen Ronaldo), PDT (Lasier Martins e Angela Portela), PP (Ana Amelia), PPS (Cristovam Buarque), PSB (João Capiberib e Lidice da Mata), PTB (Armando Monteiro), and PV (Álvaro Dias).
      Scoundrels now only direct elections solve.

      — Roberto Requião (@requiaooficial) May 17, 2017

      If the audio that compromises the president is proven, may we have the courage to support an impeachment process #LavaJato #JBS

      — Lasier Martins (@lasiermartins) May 18, 2017

      Temer must resign to hasten the outcome of the very serious crisis. The moral ruler and the law are equal for all!

      – Ana Amélia Lemos (@anaamelialemos) May 18, 2017

      Minister Roberto Freire communicated to PR through Minister Padilha that the PPS understands that the president must resign. PPS waits until today.

      — Cristovam Buarque (@Sen_Cristovam) May 18, 2017

      Michel "Inocente" Temer spoke, as I understand it, postponed the resignation, bought time to organize the withdrawal.

      — Capi40 (@joaocapi) May 18, 2017

      Temer must resign so that the country does not pay a higher price. Check out my interview for Rádio Jornal –

      — Armando Monteiro (@SouArmandoNeto) May 18, 2017

      There is no way to refuse the immediate opening of an impeachment process. TSE can also speed up voting on the opinion on Dilma-Temer ticket

      — Alvaro Dias (@alvarodias_) May 18, 2017

      so many losses in Senate they are an indication that there will be no more governance. To approve a PEC, for example, the government cannot have more than 27 senators against it. Until 19pm yesterday, 3.339.952 tweets mentioned the recordings of Joesley Batista, Aécio, Temer or other crisis-related words.

      One move gains strength direct elections, in the social networks. Were 123.737 tweets to hashtag #DiretasJá, the most popular among those used on those two days. Behind her is the traditional #ForaTemer with 94.523 tweets, until 19 pm this Thursday.

      Political Crisis: what hashtags and tweets say about Michel Temer and Spain
      Aécio Neves is already the big loser in the crisis.

      Aetius Neves is already the big loser in the crisis: he was the subject of an arrest warrant, he lost the presidency of the PSDB and can lose the mandate of senator. He and his sister were the target of 952.633 tweets until 19pm. Among the messages with the most repercussion, none defended him.

      Even the anti-Dilma right, which used the crisis to attack the PT, washed his hands of the toucan senator, cases of Danilo Gentili e Janaina Paschoal.

      I don't see anyone defending Aécio or demonstrating for Temer.

      Every day it gets easier to understand who loves thugs.

      - Danilo Gentili (@DaniloGentili) May 18, 2017

      3) If the crimes of Temer and Aécio are confirmed, the crimes of Dilma and Lula will not be reduced. I say from the beginning: fall whoever has to fall

      — Janaina Paschoal (@JanainaDoEspanha) May 18, 2017

      More To fear was the main target of the fury of social networks. he appeared in 2.254.718 messages No. Twitter until 19pm yesterday. All messages with more RTS were strongly negative. In addition, one of the words most associated with the president was once again Cunha: 219.984 messages associated To fear to the imprisoned former deputy, 9,8% of the mentions of him.

      Source: Bites.

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