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    Stack Overflow survey reveals that 92,7% of developers and programmers are men

      The annual survey by one of the largest developer and programmers forums in the world, Stack Overflow, according to Business Insider, found in demographic terms that 92,7% of respondents are male and 74,2% consider themselves white. . The survey also revealed that the preference in programming is with Google and Apple.

      The programming language created by Mozilla, Rust, was chosen by developers for the third consecutive year, with 78,9% preference. Meanwhile, Google's language, Go, ended up gaining a preference of 65,6% of users' approval, occupying the fifth place in the list, surpassing Apple's Switft, which was in sixth place with 65,1% of preference in the search.

      However, when talking about Microsoft, the survey results were not at all satisfactory, the company's Visual Base 6 was considered the "most dreadful" with 89,9% of users assuming they don't like the language.

      Stack Overflow survey reveals that 92,7% of developers and programmers are men

      Joel Spolsky, CEO do Stack Overflow.

      On the other hand, in the "most wanted" category, 25,1% of programmers said they would like to start studying the Python language. The great demand for the Python language is due to the fact that it is friendly to the development of artificial intelligence, said Joel Spolsky, CEO of Stack Overflow.

      From a 30-minute response form, containing questions from demographic analysis to platform preference. The survey was applied in 183 countries and obtained 101.592 results.

      The survey also revealed that the market for machine learning specialists and data scientists is growing, with the fourth highest average salary revealed in the survey at $102 in the United States. Developers, confused by artificial technology, show a concern about its use in the future, when it can be used to make important decisions in society.

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