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    WannaCry virus hits iPhone processor factory

      For three days, the WannaCry virus managed to stop the chip production of the world's largest processor company, Apple's Taiwan supplier, the TSMC factory. According to the semiconductor manufacturer, the ransomware attacked its computer network and managed to spread to more than 10 pieces of equipment in three manufacturing plants. The attack took place on Friday (03), but the reason was discovered only on Monday (06).

      In this case, security analysts call the attention of both individual and corporate users to the security update issue. Even if the situation has already been resolved, in a press conference the Taiwanese company would have admitted that the virus affected machines with Windows 7 system without the proper security updates.

      It is worth noting that in 2017, before the WannaCry virus spread, Microsoft released security patches to fix the flaws that could break the virus.

      The supplier, in a note, would have informed that the virus attack occurred on only one machine that was undergoing a system update, with this, the ransomware would have managed to reach the other equipment by connecting the computer to the network. So, to prevent the virus from spreading further, production was stopped. Now, confidential customer data TSMC claims has not been compromised.

      WannaCry virus hits iPhone processor factory

      Wanna Cry virus stopped chip production for three days.

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      About 80% of the machines that would have been affected were already working normally on Sunday (05). However, production resumed normally only on Monday (06). As a result, the supply of chips will suffer a delay of three days in the delivery of orders, for the time in which production had to be stopped due to the WannaCry attack.

      However, so far there is no information whether the event will influence the launch of the new iPhone, which usually takes place in the month of September, since Apple has not commented on the case.

      WannaCry is a ransomware that locks files on a computer and in order to release them a ransom is usually asked, in most cases in Bitcoin.

      TSMC would have taken the necessary security measures to prevent further problems like this in the future.

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